Advanced Craniomaxillofacial Surgery

Tumor, Corrective Bone Surgery, and Trauma. Mit E-Book

Advanced Craniomaxillofacial Surgery

Tumor, Corrective Bone Surgery, and Trauma. Mit E-Book

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Featuring more than 1,300 expertly drawn illustrations and images, the Advanced Craniomaxillofacial Surgery book is the comprehensive, highly anticipated follow-up to the original work on Principles of Internal Fixation of the Craniomaxillofacial Skeleton that was published in 2012.

With detailed contributions from more than 80 renowned international authors, Advanced Craniomaxillofacial Surgery significantly builds on the solid foundation laid by the previous textbook. The new book comprises sophisticated techniques in skeletal and soft-tissue analysis for the disciplines of craniomaxillofacial, trauma, tumor, orthognathic surgery, as well as facial and esthetic surgery.

The focused expertise of seven disciplines is synthesized together to offer comprehensive and unique interdisciplinary perspectives, necessary to create the "team" approach fundamental to achieving the progress required and expected in high-level medical centers: oral and maxillofacial surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, otolaryngology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, oculoplastic surgery, and head and neck surgery. Nowhere else has there been such a thorough and comprehensive multispecialty approach presented in the head and neck region.

The advent of microvascular surgery, skeletal analysis, computerized surgical planning, personalized implant creation, and comprehensive radiographic analysis have given rise to new principles, techniques and possibilities, which are explored extensively in this new textbook. Advanced Craniomaxillofacial Surgery should be part of every surgeon's library.

1 Bone grafts, bone flaps, bone replacement materials and techniques
1.1 Types and harvest of bone grafts and bone flaps
1.2 Bone lengthening by distraction
1.3 Ceramic bone substitute materials
1.4 Growth factors for craniomaxillofacial applications
2 Ablative and reconstructive surgery of the mandible
2.1 Access osteotomies in the mandible in tumor surgery and osteosynthesis
2.2 Mandible resections without loss of continuity (rim resections)
2.3 Benign noncontinuity intraosseous lesions
2.4 Segmental defects, defect bridging, reconstruction with free nonvascularized bone grafts
2.5 Reconstruction of the condyle
2.6 Mandible reconstruction with microvascular free flaps
2.7 Reconstruction with prefabricated flaps
3 Ablative and reconstructive surgery of the midface and craniofacial junction
3.1 Approaches and access osteotomies to the midface
3.2 Midface resection and reconstruction
3.3 Ablative and reconstructive surgery of the orbit
3.4 Secondary frontal sinus surgery
3.5 Access surgery to the skull base
3.6 Reconstruction of the skull base
3.7 Reconstruction of the cranial vault
3.8 Secondary corrections after orbital/nasoethmoidal fractures
4 Correction of complex deformities and conditions of the craniofacial skeleton
4.1 Treatment of gunshot injuries
4.2 Treatment of malalignment and incorrect occlusion
4.3 Treatment of ankylosis
4.4 Ridge augmentation of the atrophic maxilla and mandible
4.5 Hemifacial microsomia diagnosis, classification, and management
4.6 Cleft bone grafting and management of the alveolar ridge defect
4.7 Orthognathic surgery for unilateral and bilateral total clefts
4.8 Distraction osteogenesis of the maxilla with external devices
4.9 Midface advancement with internal distractors
4.10 High midface osteotomies
4.11 Craniosynostosis
4.12 Orbital hypertelorism
4.13 Encephaloceles
4.14 Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw
5 Imaging and planning technologies
5.1 Endoscopy in mandibular condyle and midfacial trauma care
5.2 3-D manufacturing technologies and their applications in craniomaxillofacial surgery
5.3 Navigation and computer planning in craniomaxillofacial reconstruction
6 Principles and techniques for facial allotransplantation

ISBN 9783132428393
Artikelnummer 9783132428393
Medientyp Non Books
Copyrightjahr 2020
Verlag Thieme, Stuttgart
Umfang 748 Seiten
Abbildungen 1300 Abb.
Sprache Englisch