Advances in Wind Energy Conversion Technology

Advances in Wind Energy Conversion Technology

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The proposed book provides in-depth discussion on all the major aspects of wind energy conversion technology. Academic and industrial experts share their expertise and experiences in wind energy conversion systems through various chapters grouped in to eight sections. In contrast with other publications in this area, a detailed section on offshore wind farms is included in this volume. Economic and environmental aspects of wind energy coversion are also given due emphasis, along with the recent trends in wind energy engineering. Though a contributory volume, continuity between chapters and sections are maintained throughout the book.

1;Advances in Wind Energy Conversion Technology;3 2;Preface;5 3;Contents;7 4;1 Aerodynamics of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines;8 4.1;1...Basic Aerodynamic Issues;12 4.1.1;1.1 Wind Power Density;14 4.1.2;1.2 Wind Speed Probability and Average Power;15 4.1.3;1.3 Wind Speed with Height off the Ground;17 4.1.4;1.4 Wake Array Effects;18 4.1.5;1.5 Turbulent Wind Effects on Power;19 4.1.6;1.6 Capacity Factor and Specific Yield;21 4.2;2...Momentum Theory Analysis in Unyawed Flow;21 4.2.1;2.1 Flow Model and Analysis;22 4.2.2;2.2 Thrust and Power Coefficients;24 4.2.3;2.3 Wake Expansion;25 4.2.4;2.4 Turbulent Wake and Vortex Ring States;26 4.3;3...Momentum Theory Analysis with Yaw Misalignment;26 4.3.1;3.1 Flow Model and Analysis;27 4.4;4...Maximum Wind Energy Conversion Efficiency;29 4.5;5...Representative Power Curve for a HAWT;30 4.6;6...Blade Element Model for a HAWT;32 4.6.1;6.1 Flow Model and Analysis;33 4.6.2;6.2 Solving for CT and CP;36 4.7;7...Blade Element Momentum Theory for a HAWT;36 4.7.1;7.1 BEM Flow Model and Analysis;37 4.7.2;7.2 The Optimum HAWT: Ideal Blade Twist and Taper;40 4.8;8...Understanding Operational Interdependencies;42 4.9;9...Introducing Non-ideal Effects and Tip Losses;45 4.10;10...Induction Factors in Yawed Flow Operation;48 4.11;11...Airfoils for HAWTS;50 4.12;12...Vortex Wake Models for HAWTS;53 4.12.1;12.1 Governing Equations;55 4.12.2;12.2 Linking to the Blade Solution;56 4.12.3;12.3 Representative Results from the FVM;57 4.13;13...Unsteady Aerodynamic Effects on HAWTS;60 4.13.1;13.1 Reduced Frequency;61 4.13.2;13.2 Unsteady Airfoil Theory;61 4.13.3;13.3 Dynamic Stall;62 4.14;14...Transitory Yaw Effects;65 4.15;15...Tower Interference Effects;67 4.16;16...Advanced Aerodynamic Modeling Requirements;69 4.16.1;16.1 Navier--Stokes Equations;69 4.16.2;16.2 Euler and Hybrid CFD Methods;70 4.17;17...Chapter Review;71 4.18;References;72 5;2 Analysis of Wind Regimes and Performance of Wind Turbines;77 5.1;1...Wind Regime Characteristics;78 5.1.1;1.1 Boundary Layer Effects;78 5.1.2;1.2 Wind Velocity Distribution;79 5.1.3;1.3 Energy Density;82 5.2;2...Velocity--Power Response of the Turbine;82 5.3;3...The Energy Model;84 5.4;4...Conclusion;88 5.5;References;88 6;3 Advances in Offshore Wind Resource Estimation;90 6.1;1...Offshore Observations at High Levels;91 6.1.1;1.1 Results from the Coastal Station at Høvsøre;92 6.1.2;1.2 Results from Offshore at Horns Rev;93 6.1.3;1.3 Results from Offshore at Nysted;96 6.2;2...Offshore Observations with Spatial Detail;97 6.2.1;2.1 Ocean Winds from Synthetic Aperture Radar ;98 6.2.2;2.2 Ocean Winds from Scatterometer;102 6.2.3;2.3 Mesoscale Modeling for Offshore;103 6.3;3...Discussion and Conclusion;107 6.4;Acknowledgments;108 6.5;References;109 7;4 Short Term Forecast of Wind Power;112 7.1;1...Types of Forecasts;113 7.2;2...Point Forecast Models;115 7.2.1;2.1 Models Based on Measurements of Power Production Only;115;2.1.1 Simple Forecast Models;116;2.1.2 Recursive and Adaptive Estimation;116;2.1.3 Other Model Structures;118 7.2.2;2.2 Models Based on Physical Relations;118 7.2.3;2.3 Models Applying Both Measurements and Physical Information;119 7.3;3...Probabilistic Forecast Models;124 7.3.1;3.1 Quantile Regression;124 7.3.2;3.2 Meteorological Ensemble Forecasts;126 7.3.3;3.3 Scenario Generation;128 7.4;4...Upscaling;129 7.5;5...Evaluation;130 7.5.1;5.1 Point Forecasts;131 7.5.2;5.2 Probabilistic Forecasts;132 7.6;6...Bibliographical Notes;134 7.7;References;135 8;5 Analysis of Wind Turbine Loads;138 8.1;1...The Origin of Wind Turbine Loads;139 8.2;2...Influence of the Mean Wind Speed;139 8.3;3...Loads from Wind Shear;141 8.4;4...Loads from Blades Passing the Tower;141 8.5;5...Loads from Wake Operation;144 8.6;6...Loads from Turbulence;147 8.7;7...Loads from Waves;149 8.8;8...Analysis of Loads for Design and Certification;149 8.9;9...Standards Used in Certification;150 8.10;10...Fatigue Load Analysis;152 8.11;11...Ultimate Load Analysis;158 8.12;12...Typ
ISBN 9783540882589
Artikelnummer 9783540882589
Medientyp E-Book - PDF
Auflage 2. Aufl.
Copyrightjahr 2011
Verlag Springer-Verlag
Umfang 216 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Kopierschutz Digitales Wasserzeichen