Atherosclerosis VI

Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium

Atherosclerosis VI

Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium

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In 1982 Berlin was host for the second time to the International Symposium on Atherosclerosis. In 1973 the third symposium was held there, following the first in Athens -opened by the unforgettable Paul D. White -and the second in Chicago, where the great gentlemen of atherosclerosis research - Louis Katz and Irving Page - left their special imprint on the meeting. Since the third symposium in Berlin impressive advances have been made in the field of atherosclerosis. The symposia in Tokyo in 1976 and in Houston in 1979 introduced important new knowledge from current research, stimulating worldwide interest; Berlin highlighted the latest developments. The International Atherosclerosis Society (lAS) provides an international forum for the entire field of atherosclerosis research. Its main purpose is to apply the results of basic research to clinical medicine, and thereby to benefit the practitioner. Prevention and rehabilitation are of special importance. Intensified international cooperation is urgently needed at all levels. A declared goal of the lAS is contact between young investigators and between international research and work groups. Participating in the Berlin meeting were 1400 researchers from 42 nations. This illustrates the growing interest in atherosclerosis as the leading cause of death in "developed" societies. However, the incidence of atherosclerosis is increasing worldwide, although there are national differences in the pattern and appearance of the disease; this was documented at the Berlin Symposium.

1 Clinical Aspects of Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis. The Major Problem in Man
Clinical Aspects of Atherosclerosis-Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Evaluation of Coronary Heart Disease
Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Evaluation. Peripheral Artery Disease
Atherosclerosis. Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Evaluation - Cerebrovascular Disease
Clinical Aspects of Atherosclerosis. Role of Coronary Artery Spasm
Conservative Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease
Conservative Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease
1.1 Atherosclerosis in Childhood
An Introduction to Atherosclerosis in Children
Clinical and Anatomic Correlates of Cardiovascular Disease in Children from the Bogalusa Heart Study
Dietary Prevention of Atherosclerosis in Childhood
Early Indicators for the Risk of Atherogenesis. A. Field Test of a New Methodology on German and Japanese Kindergarten Children in Düsseldorf
Morphologic Changes in Coronary Arteries of Children in Different Geographic Locations
Structure and Ultrastructure of the Coronary Artery Intima in Children and Young Adults up to age 29
The Natural History of Aortic Atherosclerosis in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults
Immunohistology of Aortic Fatty Streaks in Children and Adults
1.2 Diseases of Lipid Metabolism
Heterogeneity of Genetic Transmission of Familial Hypercholesterolemia F. H. from Direct Parents in 20 Families of Homozygotes Type IIa
The Impact of Analbuminemia on Lipid Transport and Lipoproteins
Familial Hypertriglyceridemia: Incidence, Genetics and Possible Defect in Cellular Metabolism
Familial Chylomicronaemia due to a Circulating Inhibitor of Lipoprotein Lipase
1.3 Animal Models of Atherosclerosis
Experimental Nonhuman Primate Atherosclerosis
Platelets and Atherogenesis in Normal and von Willebrand Disease Pigs
Lipid Accumulation in the Rabbit Aortic Wall in Response to Injury
WHHL Rabbit, a Heritable Animal Model of Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Hypertensive Rat Models of Atherosclerosis
Seeking for More Similarity Between Animal Models and Human Atherosclerosis
Lipoproteins, Blood Cells and Endothelial Integrity in Atherosclerosis: What Role for Eicosanoids?
1.4 Measurement and Identification of Atherosclerosis
Chairman's Comments on the Discussion at the Workshop on Measurement of Atherosclerosis
Measurement of Regression in Atherosclerosis
Measurement of Monotypism in Atherosclerosis
Measurement of Human Atherosclerosis
Identification of the Gelatinous Lesion
Quantitation of Certain Qualitative Differences in the Atherosclerotic Process
1.5 Regression
Chairman's Introduction to Workshop on Regression
Preliminary Report on Coronary Lesions and Serum Lipids Before and after 2 Years Dietary Intervention in 22 Patients
Measurement of Atherosclerosis by Arteriography and Microdensitometry: Model and Clinical Investigations
Role of Macrophages in Regression of Swine Atherosclerosis
Potential for Atherosclerosis Regression in Perspective
The Biochemical Basis for Anatomical Regression of Atherosclerosis
The Endothelial Changes During Regression of Atherosclerotic Lesions in Animal Models
1.6 Diet
Diet and Carcinogenesis
Effects of Dietary Cholesterol and Saturated-Fat on the Appearance of HDLc in Peripheral and Cardiac Lymph
Dietary Fibres for Prevention of CVD
Dietary Cholesterol and Plasma Lipoproteins
Experience with Soybean Protein Diets in Treating Hypercholesterolemias
Dietary Fatty Acids as Prostaglandin Precursors
Effects of Dietary Treatment on Lipoplitic Activities and Lipids and Apolipoproteins in Patients with Uremia
1.7 Exercise
6th International Symposium on Atherosclerosis. Introduction
Therapeutical Effects of Endurance Training in Primary Hyperlipoproteinemia
Atherosclerotic Disease in Non-Human Primates: Its Prevention and Regression by Moderate Conditioning Exercise
The Effect of Different Types of Exercise on Serum Lipids
Physical Exercise as Protection Against Heart Attack
Exercise and Fibrinolysis
Regulation of Serum Triglycerides in Trained Subjects
Exercise and Arachidonic Metabolites: Effects of Adrenergic Beta Blockade
Effect of Physical Training on Blood Pressure and Serum Lipoproteins in Middle-Aged Men with Borderline Hypertension
1.8 Drug Therapy of Hyperlipoproteinemias
The Treatment of Hyperlipaemia by Gemfibrozil: a Comparison with Clofibrate
Lipid-Lowering Agents and Apolipoproteins B, A-I, and A-II-a Longterm Study
Compliance and Cholesterol-Lowering in Clinical Trials: Efficacy of Diet
Long-Term Treatment of Hypercholesterolaemia with Guar Gum: Comparison with Probucol
1.9 Flow Restituting, Nonsurgical Intervention in Cardiovascular Disease
Gross Endothelial Layer Blistering and Vascular Injury
Haemodynamic Influences on Platelets in Haemostasis and Thrombosis
Effect of Stresses on the Uptake of Material by the Arterial Wall
Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty in the Treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease
Metabolic and Haemodynamic Effects of Plasma-Exchange in Familial Hypercholesterolemia
2 Arterial Wall and Plasma Components
Role of Endothelial Dysfunction in Vivo in Smooth Muscle Proliferation
Derivation and Progression of Atherosclerotic Plaques
Hemodynamics as a Factor in Lesion Lacalization
Role of Connective Tissue in the Arterio-Atherosclerotic Process. Interest of a Cell-Matrix Directed Pharmacology
Arterial Wall Cells and Mitogens
2.1 Biology of Arterial Wall Cells
The Microcarrier Co-Culture System: Interactions Between Endothelial and Smooth Muscle Cells in Vitro
Intermediate Filaments of the Vascular Wall
A Putative Mechanism for the Conversion of Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells into Foam Cells that Bypasses the Autoregulatory LDL Receptor-Mediated Process
Structure and Function of Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells
Alterde Growth Stimulation and LDL-Degradation in Human Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells ASMC and Fibroblasts F by Low Molecular Weight Serum Factors from Typre II Diabetics
2.2 Growth Factors and the Arterial Wall
Platelet-Derived Growh Factors: Properties and Biologic Activities
Preparation and Characterisation of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
Effects of PDGF and Endothelial Cell Products on Cellur Lipid and Lipoprotein Metabolism in Human Fibroblasts
2.3 HMG-Co A Reductase and Cell Metabolism
Site of Action of LCAT in Plasma
The Isolation and Partial Characterisation of two Lipid Transfer Proteins LTP-I and LTP-II, Each of which Facilitates the Transfer of Esterified Cholesterol, Triglyceride and Phospholipid Between Plasma Lipoproteins
Besides Blockage of the Synthesis of HMG - Co A Reductase, Cycloheximide also Inhibits its Degradation
Intestinal HMG-CoA Reductase: Regulation and Function
2.4 Phagocytosis in the Lesion
Fluid-Phase Pinocytosis in Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells
Interaction of Platelets, Macrophages and Lipoproteins in Relation to Atherogenesis
Role of Macrophage Foam Cells in Arterial Lesions
Chemotactic Responses of Monocyte-Macrophages. A Possible Mechanism for Their Migration into Atherosclerotic Lesions
Macrophages in Coronary Artery and Aortic Intima and in Atherosclerotic Lesions of Children and Young Adults up to Age 29
3 Lipoproteins-An Overview
Structure-Function Relationships in the Plasma Lipoproteins
Metabolism of Triglyceride-Rich Lipoproteins
Apolipoprotein E and Cholesterol Metabolism
Selective Removal of Plasma Low-Density Lipoproteins by Combined Extracorporeal Plasma Separation-Immunoadsorption
3.1 Structural and Metabolic Aspects of Lipoproteins
Apolipoprotein Mutants and Apolipoprotein Disorders
Determination of Plasma Apolipoprotein Profiles
The Plasma Cholesterol: Cholesterol-Ester Cycle
Pathogenesis of Secondary Hyperlipoproteinemia
Surface Organization of the Apolipoproteins of Plasma High Density Lipoproteins and Pelevance to Functions
Receptor Interactions of Human Apolipoprotein
Effects of Hormones on Plasma Lipoprotein Concentrations
3.2 Lipoprotein Receptors
Monoclonal Antibody as a Probe for Structural and Functional Studies of the LDL Receptor
The Role of Receptors in Apolipoprotein B Metabolism
Factors Influencing Receptor-Mediated Low Density Lipoprotein Catabolism
Rat and Human Lipoprotein Utilization by Cultured Rat Ovary Granulosa Cells
3.3 Regulation of Lipoprotein Synthesis and Secretion
Contribution of Apoprotein B Production Rate in the Regulation of Lipoprotein Levels in Man
Measurements of C Apoprotein Kinetics in Man
Regulation of Rat Liver Apolipoprotein E mRNA and Cloning of its cDNA
Effect of LP-X on Hepatic Cholesterol Synthesis
3.4 Apolipoproteins
Apolipoprotein Research: A Multidisciplinary Task
Significance of Apolipoproteins for the Biochemical Profile of Atherosclerosis
Regulation of Lipoprotein Gene Expression
Apolipoprotein AIV Metabolism in Man
Mechanism of Action of Lipoprotein Lipase: Role of Apolipoprotein C-II
Human Apolipoprotein Mutants
3.5 Lipolytic Enzymes
Use of Specific Antibodies in the Study of the Function of Lipoprotein Lipase
The Role of Hepatic Triglyceride Lipase in Primates
Function of Hepatic Endothelial Lipase in Lipoprotein Metabolism
Genetic Regulation of Lipoprotein Lipase
Lipoprotein Lipase: Apolipoprotein C-II Interactions Studied by Fluorescence and Monoclonal Antibodies
4 Thrombosis
Arachidonic Acid Metabolism in Human Platelets
Factors Influencing the Growth, Stability and Fate of Arterial Thrombi
Biosynthesis and Some Biological Properties of Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes
Interactions Between Lipoproteins and PGI2 under Physiologic and Pathophysiologic Conditions
4.1 Platelet Aggregation and Phospholipid Metabolism
Effects of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor on the Metabolism of Glycerolipids and Arachidonic Acid in Cultured Cells
The Phosphatidylinositol Response and the Activation of Platelets
Platelet Phospholipid Fatty Acids and Platelet Aggregation
Regulatory Function of the Cellular Thiol-Disulfide Status in the Metabolic Control of Human Blood Platelet Aggregation
4.2 Prostanoids.
The Formation of Eicosanoids During Inflammation
Prostaglandins, Cyclic Nucleotides and Atherosclerosis
Prostacyclin Formation, Plasma Factor, Platelet Sensitivity and Prostacyclin Degradation in Coronary Heart Disease
Vascular Resistance and Platelet Function on Cardiovascular Drugs and Diets Affecting Prostanoid Formation
5 Epidemiology and Prevention
Coronary Heart Disease-Geographical Differences and Time Trends
Coronary Disease Rist Factors: A Population View
Pediatric Precursors of Atherosclerosis
Intervention on Single Risk Factors: Hyperlipoproteinemia
Intervention of Single Risk Factor: Hypertension
Intervention of Single Risk Factors of Atherosclerosis: Thrombosis
Intervention on Smoking: An Individual and Collective Challenge
Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trials
Pharmacological Approach to the Prevention of Atherosclerosis
5.1 Epidemiology
Role of Lipid Profiles in Assessing Atherogenesis
Plasma Lipids and Lipoprotein Cholesterol Distributions and Correlates of HDL Cholesterol in Selected US and USSR Subpopulations US-USSR Steering Committee for Cardiovascular Area I: Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis
The Belgian Heart Disease Prevention Project: Six Years Coronary Risk Factors Evolution
Peculiarities of Coronary Heart Disease in the French Population
The Fate of the Patient with Opad Detected at an Early Stage
Population Attributable Events-Implications for Prevention
Risk Factors in Insulin Dependent Diabetics
Contribution to the Discussion
Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Preventive Community Programmes in Austria
5.2 Hypocholesterolemia- A Risk Factor?
Clinical Associations of Hypocholesterolaemia
On a Possible Inverse Relationship Between Plasma Cholesterol and the Risk of Cancer. The Framingham Study
Cholesterol and Steroid Hormone Metabolism in Abetalipoproteinemia
Associations Between Plasma Cholesterol, Cell Membrane Composition and Fluidity, and Retinoid Concentrations in a Normal Male Population
The Prognostic Significance of Hypocholesterolemia in Hospitalized Patients
The Association of Low Serum Cholesterol Level to the Risk of Cancer. Significance with Respect to Dietary Modification for Coronary Heart Disease Prevention
Serum Cholesterol and Cancer Mortality in White Males: Social Class Effects, Evans County Twenty Year Foliow-Up Study
5.3 Smoking and Atherosclerosis
Carbon Monoxide and Atherosclerosis
The Influence of Smoking on Plasmalipoproteins
Smoking and Atherosclerotic Disease. The Oslo Study
Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease in Different Countries in Relation to Smoking
Smoking and Atherosclerosis: Risk Factor Reduction
Nicotine and Atherosclerosis
Smoking: A Paediatric Disease
Smoking and Lipid Metabolism
The Influence of Smoking on Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure
5.4 Serum Lipid Lowering in Secondary Prevention
Current Japanese Situations on Secondary Prevention and Lipid Lowering Drugs
Serum Lipid Lowering ind Secondary Prevention: A Review
A Controlled Trial of Substantial Reduction of Plasma Lipids in Symptomatic Atherosclerosis: An Angiographic Study
Program on the Surgical Control of the Hyperlipidemias Posch. A Secondary Intervention Trial-4-Year Lipid Results
Platelet-Vessel Wall Interactions in Human and Experimental Hypercholesterolemia
Secondary Prevention of Ischaemic Heart Disease by the Combined Treatment with Clofibrate and Nicotinic Acid
6 Risks of Obesity
Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity
Hypertension in Obesity
Surgical Risks in Obese Patients
Obesity and Lipoprotein Metabolism
Another Look at Body Weight, Health and Longevity
6.1 Addendum
Status of a Computerized, Angiographic Regression Trial CLAS.
ISBN 978-3-642-81819-6
Artikelnummer 9783642818196
Medientyp Buch
Auflage Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1983
Copyrightjahr 2012
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XXVIII, 982 Seiten
Abbildungen XXVIII, 982 p.
Sprache Englisch