Basic Methods Handbook for Clinical Orthopaedic Research

A Practical Guide and Case Based Research Approach

Basic Methods Handbook for Clinical Orthopaedic Research

A Practical Guide and Case Based Research Approach

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This book is designed to meet the needs of both novice and senior researchers in Orthopaedics by providing the essential, clinically relevant knowledge on research methodology that is sometimes overlooked during training. Readers will find a wealth of easy-to-understand information on all relevant aspects, from protocol design, the fundamentals of statistics, and the use of computer-based tools through to the performance of clinical studies with different levels of evidence, multicenter studies, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and economic health care studies. A key feature is a series of typical case examples that will facilitate use of the volume as a handbook for most common research approaches and study types. Younger researchers will also appreciate the guidance on preparation of abstracts, poster and paper presentations, grant applications, and publications. The authors are internationally renowned orthopaedic surgeons with extensive research experience and the book is published in collaboration with ISAKOS.

Evidence based medicine in orthopaedics

How to get started with clinical research?- Basics in statistics - statistics made simple!- Basic toolbox for the young clinical researcher
How to perform a clinical study - a case based approach
How to perform a review article?- How to perform a systematic review or metanalysis?- How to perform an economic health care study?- Computer based tools
Multi-Center study - how to pull it off?- Helpful further information.

ISBN 978-3-662-58253-4
Artikelnummer 9783662582534
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2019
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XIV, 584 Seiten
Abbildungen XIV, 584 p. 121 illus., 93 illus. in color.
Sprache Englisch