Biotechnology for Odor and Air Pollution Control

Biotechnology for Odor and Air Pollution Control

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Here is the first book on biotechnological processes for controlling odor and air pollution emanating from industrial and municipal airstreams. Authors from academia and industry describe biotechnological methods ranging from those in laboratory stages to pilot evaluation to full-scale process implementation. In addition to the basic microbiology and engineering, the design, modeling, and control of bioreactors are discussed in detail.

1;Preface;5 2;Contents;7 3;Contributors;16 4;Part I Introduction and Basic Theory;18 4.1;1 Biotechnology for Air Pollution Control - an Overview;19 4.2;2 Environmental Laws and Regulations Related to Odor andWaste Gas Contaminants;32 4.3;3 Methods of Odor and VOC Control;44 4.4;4 Selection of Bioreactor Media for Odor Control;79 4.5;5 Microbiology of Bioreactors for Waste Gas Treatment;115 5;Part II Biological Reactor Technologies;136 5.1;6 Biofilter Technology;137 5.2;7 Biotrickling Filter Technology;158 5.3;8 Bioscrubber Technology;180 5.4;9 Membrane Bioreactor Technology;205 5.5;10 Modeling of Biofilters and Biotrickling Filters for Odor and VOC Control Applications;223 6;Part III Biological Reactors - Applications;242 6.1;11 Biofilter Design and Operation for Odor Control - The New Zealand Experience;243 6.2;12 Biological Treatment of Waste Gases Containing Inorganic Compounds;261 6.3;13 Biological Treatment of Waste Gases Containing Volatile Organic Compounds;288 7;Part IV Biological Reactors - Case Studies;310 7.1;14 Odor Removal in Industrial Facilities;311 7.2;15 Odor Removal in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants - Case Studies;333 7.3;16 Biotrickling and Bioscrubber Applications to Control Odor and Air Pollutants: Developments, Implementation Issues and Case Studies;360 8;Part V Future of Biotechnology;385 8.1;17 Future Prospects of Biotechnology for Odor Control;386 9;Subject Index;405
ISBN 9783540270072
Artikelnummer 9783540270072
Medientyp E-Book - PDF
Copyrightjahr 2005
Verlag Springer-Verlag
Umfang 409 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Kopierschutz Digitales Wasserzeichen