Body Imaging: Thorax and Abdomen

Anatomical Landmarks, Image Findings, Diagnosis. Plus Online at MedOne

Body Imaging: Thorax and Abdomen

Anatomical Landmarks, Image Findings, Diagnosis. Plus Online at MedOne

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Body Imaging: Thorax and Abdomen reflects the realities of your everyday work: it describes the principal anatomic landmarks so that you can orient yourself in the chest and abdomen with speed and confidence, interpret the findings, and make a diagnosis.


- Description of key anatomic landmarks for rapid, confident orientation in the chest and abdomen
- Precise, step-by-step guide to making the diagnosis
- Key points summarized in boxes and tables

Comprehensive coverage

- All the modalities in one volume; no need for lengthy lookups in multiple books
- Focuses on the sectional modalities of CT and MRI, but includes plain radiographs and ultrasound as well

Answers to questions such as:

- Which modality is preferred?
- How are abnormalities recognized?
- How is the correct diagnosis derived?
- Differential diagnosis: What diseases are possible for any given set of symptoms and findings?

Richly illustrated

- More than 1500 superb images drawn from the latest generation of imaging technology, with explanatory diagrams showing details of anatomy and pathology
- Your radiology workstation in book form-structured, comparative, easy to use

Part 1: Chest
1. Mediastinum
2. Heart and Pericardium
3. Large Vessels
4. Lung and Pleura
Part 2: Abdomen
5. Liver
6. Gallbladder and Biliary Tract
7. Pancreas
8. Gastrointestinal Tract
9. Spleen and Lymphatic System
10. Adrenal Glands
11. Kidney and Urinary Tract
12. Female Pelvis
13. Male Pelvis

ISBN 9783132054110
Artikelnummer 9783132054110
Medientyp Non Books
Copyrightjahr 2018
Verlag Thieme, Stuttgart
Umfang 515 Seiten
Abbildungen 1509 Abb.
Sprache Englisch