British Pharmacopoeia 2025 (BP 2025)

Six Volume Set + 1 Single User Online Licence + 1 Single User Download

British Pharmacopoeia 2025 (BP 2025)

Six Volume Set + 1 Single User Online Licence + 1 Single User Download

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New, legally enforced standards, available from 1 August 2024. All European Pharmacopoeia texts included.

Updated annually, the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) is the only comprehensive collection of authoritative official standards for UK pharmaceutical substances and medicinal products.

It includes approximately 4,000 monographs which are legally enforced by the Human Medicines Regulations 2012. Medicinal products or active pharmaceutical ingredients sold or supplied in the UK must comply with the relevant monograph.

All monographs and requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) are reproduced in the BP, making the BP a convenient and fully comprehensive set of standards that can be used across Europe and beyond.

New for the BP 2025

The BP 2025 supersedes the BP 2024 and becomes legally effective on 1 January 2025. This edition incorporates new monographs from both the BP and Ph. Eur. along with a significant number of revised monographs.

  1. 14 new BP monographs, 32 new Ph. Eur. monographs. Including two new monographs on Paracetamol Infusion and Paracetamol Oral Solution.
  2. 105 amended BP monographs.
  3. All monographs from the Ph. Eur. 11th edition and Ph. Eur. supplements 11.1 to 11.5.
  4. Ph. Eur. supplements 11.6 to 11.8 included as in-year online and download product updates.
  5. Online tools and guides:

We have made several changes to the website to help improve your user experience.

Webchat – Available Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm BST, you can now instantly reach a member of our customer service team should you have any queries regarding the BP publication or are experiencing technical difficulties. Print functionality on monographs – You can now directly print your favourite monographs on BP online. Provide website feedback more easily – You should now see a feedback button on all pages on the website. Making it easier to provide feedback on specific pages.
ISBN 978-3-7692-8414-0
Medientyp Buch - Schuber
Auflage 1.
Copyrightjahr 2024
Verlag Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
Anzahl Bände 6
Umfang 6700 Seiten
Format 40,0 x 29,5 cm
Sprache Englisch

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