Business Under Crisis, Volume III

Avenues for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

Business Under Crisis, Volume III

Avenues for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

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From recurring episodes of great depression, oil crises, political crises, wars, debt crises, to the ongoing climate change, there is a constant pressure on businesses to cope with critical events. However, throughout history, crises have been pivotal in advancing businesses and societies. This contributed volume approaches crisis not simply as a source of problems, but also as a set of choices. It seeks to explore critical events as possible opportunities for sustainability, through process improvement, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Chapters reveal that times of crisis provide opportunities for new start-ups, creativity, resilience, organisational change, and revitalisation. This book also emphasises the importance of sustainability, driven either by the market or as a response to critical events. Within the wider attempt to explore avenues for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability at times of crisis, the book is loosely organised in three thematic sections: organisational responses to crisis; digitisation, and how technology facilitates or hinders sustainability under conditions of crisis; and SMEs, Family Firms (FF), Entrepreneurship, which explores how critical events offer opportunities for innovation.

Chapter 1. Editorial Introduction: Business Under Crisis-Avenues for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability

Chapter 2. Business Under Crisis: Strategic Organizational Sustainability- A Contextual Transformation
Chapter 3. Sustainability Assessment: A Tool to Build Resilience in the Face of Future Crisis
Chapter 4. Reengineering the Organisation Design of Wine Businesses
Chapter 5. Crisis, Adaptation and Sustainability: Digital System Interoperability in the Cruise Industry
Chapter 6. Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Integrated Customer Relationship Management in Organizations for Sustainability
Chapter 7. COVID Crisis and the Impact on Smart Tourism, Sustainable Development and Local Communities
Chapter 8. Russian Economy in Risk Zone: The Most Affected Industries (Regional Analysis Case Study
Chapter 9. COVID-19 and the Strategic Responses to Crises in the Italian Entrepreneurial Firms: An Explorative Research
Chapter 10. The Impact of Sustainability and Total Quality Management on SMEs Financial Performance Under Crisis Conditions
Chapter 11. Innovation Tendencies in Internationalised Family Firms During Periods of Crisis: A Conceptual Framework
Chapter 12. Responsible Consumption: Society Habits in Time of Crisis./

ISBN 978-3-030-76582-8
Artikelnummer 9783030765828
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2022
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XXIX, 309 Seiten
Abbildungen XXIX, 309 p. 11 illus.
Sprache Englisch