Chagas Disease

A Neglected Tropical Disease

Chagas Disease

A Neglected Tropical Disease

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This book provides a comprehensive resource on various aspects of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and the neglected tropical disease Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis), the disorder resulting from infection with the parasite. Topics include the biological description and taxonomy of the parasite, epidemiology and transmission routes, laboratory techniques in use when working with the parasite, as well as diagnostic measures and treatment of Chagas disease. Furthermore, a chapter with life stories of people in contact with the disease in endemic as well as non-endemic countries is included.

The book is therefore a valuable source for individuals engaged in basic research as well as patient care and health management related to American trypanosomiasis.

Chagas disease: an unknown and neglected disease

Chagas disease epidemiology: from Latin America to the world
Challenges in Chagas disease control trough transmission routes- A social approach to people at risk of having Chagas disease: a first step to improve access to comprehensive care
Diagnosis of T. cruzi infection: challenges on laboratory test development and applications
Diagnosis of Chagas disease: Are clinical definitions of heart and digestive involvement accurate enough?
Aetiologic treatment: old drugs and new insights
No etiologic treatment for chronic Chagas disease: new therapeutic options and challenges in its use in endemic and non- endemic countries
Challenges in response to treatment evaluation and progression of the disease
Access to a comprehensive care in Chagas disease: a global effort
A parasitic infection in an immunosuppressed host
People voices.

ISBN 978-3-030-44056-5
Artikelnummer 9783030440565
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2021
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang X, 247 Seiten
Abbildungen X, 247 p. 19 illus., 14 illus. in color.
Sprache Englisch