
Catastrophe and Consequences


Catastrophe and Consequences

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As the debate about the environmental cost of nuclear power and the issue of nuclear safety continues, a comprehensive assessment of the Chernobyl accident, its long-term environmental consequences and solutions to the problems found, is timely. Although many books have been published which discuss the accident itself and the immediate emergency response in great detail, none have dealt primarily with the environmental issues involved. The authors provide a detailed review of the long-term environmental consequences, in a wide range of ecosystems, many of which are only now becoming apparent. They also highlight responses and counter-measures to combat the environmental consequences and discuss health, social, psychological and economic impacts on the human population as well as the long-term effects on biota.

Radioactive fallout and environmental transfers
Radioactivity in terrestrial ecosystems
Radioactivity in aquatic systems
Application of countermeasures
Health consequences
Social and economic effects
Effects on wildlife
ISBN 978-3-642-42468-7
Artikelnummer 9783642424687
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2014
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XXVI, 310 Seiten
Abbildungen XXVI, 310 p.
Sprache Englisch