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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is the most popular method for chemists to analyze molecular structures while Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive diagnostic tool for medical doctors that provides high-contrast images of biological tissue depicting the brain function and the beating heart. The book offers a basic introduction to NMR with portable devices, the equipment, the experimental set-up, types of NMR experiments, example applications, and data evaluation procedures. Each description follows the same didactic pattern: introduction, basic theory, pulse sequences and parameters, beginners-level measurements, advanced-level measurements, data processing. Mobile NMR simplified to approach the level of operating a smart phone!

Bernhard BlümichSabina Haber-Pohlmeier and Wasif Zia, RWTH University, Aachen, Germany.

1;Foreword;5 2;List of Symbols;9 3;List of Acronyms;13 4;1 Introduction to NMR;15 4.1;1.1 NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance;15 4.2;1.2 Mobile NMR;19 4.3;1.3 Measuringmethods;22 4.4;1.4 Hardware;29 4.5;1.5 Summary;30 4.6;1.6 Further reading;31 5;2 Hardware setup and operation;32 5.1;2.1 Connecting the spectrometer;32 5.2;2.2 Test samples;33 5.3;2.3 Starting the operating software;33 5.4;2.4 Noise level;35 5.5;2.5 Tuning and matching;35 5.6;2.6 Calibration of the excitation pulse flip angle;37 5.7;2.7 Pulse sequences and parameters;39 5.8;2.8 Data processing;45 5.9;2.9 Summary;46 5.10;2.10 Further reading;46 6;3 Types of measurements;47 6.1;3.1 Spin density;47 6.2;3.2 Relaxation and diffusion;58 6.3;3.3 Imaging;80 6.4;3.4 Spectroscopy;92 7;4 Solutions, emulsions, and suspensions;109 7.1;4.1 Solutions;110 7.2;4.2 Emulsions;120 7.3;4.3 Suspensions;128 8;5 Polymers and elastomers;137 8.1;5.1 Elastomers;139 8.2;5.2 Amorphous polymers;153 8.3;5.3 Semi-crystalline polymers;157 9;6 Biological tissues;171 9.1;6.1 Depth profiling of skin;172 9.2;6.2 Anisotropy of tendon by relaxometry;181 9.3;6.3 NMR of plants and fruits;188 10;7 Porous media;199 10.1;7.1 Rock and sediments;200 10.2;7.2 Soil;213 10.3;7.3 Cement and concrete;226 11;8 Cultural heritage;239 11.1;8.1 Painted walls and stone;239 11.2;8.2 Easel paintings;249 11.3;8.3 Wood;257 11.4;8.4 Paper and parchment;264 11.5;8.5 Mummies and bones;269 12;9 Concludingre marks;276 13;Index;281
ISBN 9783110266719
Artikelnummer 9783110266719
Medientyp E-Book - PDF
Copyrightjahr 2014
Verlag Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
Umfang 289 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Kopierschutz Digitales Wasserzeichen