Drugs and Poisons in Humans

A Handbook of Practical Analysis

Drugs and Poisons in Humans

A Handbook of Practical Analysis

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Unique analysis of drugs and poisons to facilitate testing in all laboratories even by inexperienced chemists

Includes source of chemicals needed for the experiments

Texts are composed by 67 experts in analyzing the respective compounds

Clear and uniform structure of chapters for ease of reading

The text is illustrated by many diagrams and tables

Chapters of general nature 1) How to handle biological specimens2) Alternative specimens3) Pitfalls and cautions in analysis of drugs and poisons 4) Pretreatments of human specimens5) Detection methods6) A computer system for diagnosis of causative drugs and poisons developed by the Japan Poison Information Center (Tokyo)7) Practical use of the poison-net developed by the Japan Poison Information Network (Hiroshima)8) Problems in toxin analysis in emergency medicine9) Analyses of chemical weapons and their related compounds- Chapters on specific toxins 1. Volatile compounds 1) Carbon monoxide2) Hydrogen sulfide and its metabolites3) Cyanide4) Methanol and formic acid5) Ethanol6) Chloroform and dichloromethane7) Toluene, benzene, xylene and stylene8) Alkyl nitrites9) Compenents of gasoline and kerosene 2. Controlled drugs1) Amphetamines and their metabolites2) Cannabinoids and their metabolites3) Morphine and its analogues4) Cocaine and its metabolites5) Pentazocine6) Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)7) 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamines8) Phencyclidine9) ?- Hydroxybutyric acid 3. Psychopharmaceuticals and hypnotics1) Phenothiazines2) Butyrophenones3) Tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants4) Benzodiazepines5) Bromisovalum6) Barbiturates 4. General drugs1) Diphenylmethane antihistaminics2) Propionic acid derivative analgesic-antipyretics3) Acetaminophen (paracetamol)4) Acetylsalicylic acid5) Antiepileptics6) Muscle relaxants7) ß- Blockers8) Local anaesthetics9) Salicylic acid 10) ß- Lactam antibiotics 5. Chemicals of daily necessaries1) Hypochlorite2) Benzalkonium chlorides3) Hair dyes4) Permethrin5) Boric acid6) Naphthalene7) p-Dichlorobenzene8) Ethylene glycol 6. Natural toxins and alkaloids1) Aconite toxins2) Mushroom toxins3) Tetrodotoxin4) Methylxanthine derivatives5) Nicotine and cotinine6) Tropane alkaloids7) Oleander toxins 7. Pesticides1) Simultaneous analysis of pesticides by GC/MS2) Organophosphorus pesticides3) Glufosinate and glyphosate4) Carbamate pesticides5) Paraquat and diquat6) Cresol7) Diazine and triazine herbicides8) Coumarin rodenticides 8. Miscellaneous1) Sarin and its decomposition products2) VX and its decomposition products3) Sodium azide4) Arsenic compounds and other inorganic poisons5) Nitrate and nitrite compounds6) Methemoglobin
ISBN 9783540275794
Artikelnummer 9783540275794
Medientyp E-Book - PDF
Copyrightjahr 2006
Verlag Springer-Verlag
Umfang 672 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Kopierschutz Digitales Wasserzeichen