Eurasian Business Perspectives

Proceedings of the 26th and 27th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conferences

Eurasian Business Perspectives

Proceedings of the 26th and 27th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conferences

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This book presents selected theoretical and empirical papers from the 26th and 27th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conferences, held in Prague, Czech Republic, and Bali, Indonesia. Covering diverse areas of business and management in various geographic regions, it addresses a range of current topics, such as human resources, management, SMEs and marketing. It also includes related studies that analyze management and marketing aspects, e.g. workplace learning, gamification in business, resilience and entrepreneurship, the use of IT tools in small businesses, and dynamic marketing capabilities in an intercultural environment.

Human Resources: The Workplace Learning: Exploring the Strategies Among Adult Gen Y
Workplace Expectations Versus Reality: Are Millennials so Different?
Gamification in Business: A Review of the Studies
Burnout Among Academics: An Empirical Study on the Universities of Poland
Physical Activity as a Moderator of a Relationship Between Work-Related Hazards and Professional Burnout of Polish Academics
Study of Leadership Education
Office Workers: The Case Study in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Management: Conceptualizing the Assimilation and Risk of Online Social Media in Saudi Arabia
The Compatibility of Outside-in and Inside-out Strategic Approaches
Project Risk Culture in Micro- and Small Family-Owned Enterprises - A Stakeholder Perspective
Business Social Network (BSN): Is the Business Escape from Reality Is Impossible?
Inclination to Help Other Customers - Insights from Explorative Study Among Young Population in China
Language Capabilities as a Leverage for Non-Native English Scholars' Career
Healthcare Project Management Model Approach
SMEs: Changes in the Business Models of Manufacturing Companies in the SME Sector After the Implementation of Cloud Computing Solutions
Resilience and Entrepreneurship: Aligning Theoretical and Methodological Approaches
The Use of IT Tools in small businesses in Poland
Cooperation of Enterprises with Business Environment Institutions in the Context of Absorption of the Support Provided Under the Financial Perspective 2014-2020 - Analysis of Survey Results
Innovative Behavior as a Determinant of Growth and Development of Small Enterprises
Energy Efficiency Clusters and Platforms as a Potential for SMEs Development - Poland Case Study
Forms of Control of Advisory Contracts in Small Businesses: Case of Poland
Marketing: Underestimated Radio in the Latvian Market
Dynamic Marketing Capabilities in Intercultural Environment
Companies Image Evaluation Using Social Media and Sentiment Analysis. 

ISBN 978-3-030-52293-3
Artikelnummer 9783030522933
Medientyp Buch
Auflage 1st ed. 2020
Copyrightjahr 2020
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XVII, 383 Seiten
Abbildungen XVII, 383 p. 1 illus.
Sprache Englisch