Feeling Smarter and Smarter

Discovering the Inner-Ear Origins and Treatment for Dyslexia/LD, ADD/ADHD, and Phobias/Anxiety

Feeling Smarter and Smarter

Discovering the Inner-Ear Origins and Treatment for Dyslexia/LD, ADD/ADHD, and Phobias/Anxiety

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 In this ground-breaking book, Dr. Harold Levinson, a renowned psychiatrist and clinical researcher, provides his long-awaited follow-up work about truly understanding and successfully treating children and adults with many and diverse dyslexia-related disorders such as those found on the cover.      This fascinating, life-changing title is primarily about helping children who suffer from varied combinations and severities of previously unexplained inner-ear-determined symptoms resulting in difficulties with: 
  • reading, writing, spelling, math, memory, speech, sense of direction and time
  • grammar, concentration/activity-level, balance and coordination
  • headaches, nausea, dizziness, ringing ears, and motion-sickness 
  • frustration levels and feeling dumb, ugly, klutzy, phobic, and depressed
  • impulsivity, cutting class, dropping out of school, and substance abuse
  • bullying and being bullied as well as anger and social interactions
  • later becoming emotionally traumatized and scarred dysfunctional adults
  Feeling Smarter and Smarter is thus also about and for the millions of frus-trated and failing adults who are often overwhelmed by similar and even more complicated symptoms-as well as for their dedicated healers.       Having laid the initial foundations for his many current insights in an earlier bestseller, Smart But Feeling Dumb, Dr. Levinson now presents a compelling range of enlightening new cases and data as well as a large number of highly original discoveries-such as his challenging illumination that all dyslexia-related manifestations are primarily inner-ear or cerebellar-vestibular-not cerebrally-determined and so do not impair IQ, and an "ingeniously simple" explanatory theory of symptom formation.       Most important, all the dyslexia/inner-ear based impairments and their symptoms were discovered by Dr. Levinson to respond rapidly and often "mi-raculously" in 75 to 85 percent of cases when treated with simple and safe inner-ear enhancing medications-thus enabling bright but dumb-feeling children and adults to feel... smarter and smarter.

Dyslexia by Any Other Name
The Bottom Line
A Bit of History-and Discovery
The Turning Point-Solving The Dyslexia Riddle
Listening to Dyslexics: My Clinical Path Proved Key to Discovery
The Castro Family-Batting 1,000
Kathy: The Intriguing Complexity of Dyslexia
Asking the Right Questions: The Self-Diagnostic Test
Kathy and The Mistaken Theories of Dyslexia
A Theory's Validity is Entirely Dependent on its Explanatory Capability
Some Important Questions and Answers
Another Remarkable Case-Highlighting the Dyslexia/ADHD/Phobia Connection
Making the Connections-An Introductory Overview
New Insights into ADD/ADHD
Three Steps Towards Conviction: The CVS/Phobia Link
The Phobia Connection-A Full House: Three Adults and Two Children Referred For Anxiety Disorders
The More, The Merrier-Better Understanding Phobias and Panic Disorder
The Reading Process in Dyslexia
The "Super Ten" Basic Mechanisms Explaining The Dyslexia Syndrome
All The Many Therapies
FourSteps to a Certain Diagnosis
"I Didn't Want Medical Treatment, But..."- Depression vs. Dyslexia Without "Dyslexia"
Real Smart Drugs and Treatment
An Effective Partial Medical Treatment for Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Kathy's New Beginning
Closure: The End is Just a New Beginning.
ISBN 978-3-030-16207-8
Artikelnummer 9783030162078
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2019
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XXIV, 312 Seiten
Abbildungen XXIV, 312 p. 64 illus., 38 illus. in color.
Sprache Englisch