Foundational Research in Entrepreneurship Studies

Insightful Contributions and Future Pathways

Foundational Research in Entrepreneurship Studies

Insightful Contributions and Future Pathways

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This book draws attention to the classic, seminal articles in entrepreneurship that have made profound contributions to the field's emergence, development, and maturity. In each chapter, a classic is identified, ideas contained therein that are still relevant to the field are discussed, and subsequently follow-up research that is being conducted based on these ideas is highlighted, including possible areas of future research. Scholars will embrace this systematic effort to identify and reveal the contribution of classic articles in entrepreneurship research and their impact on subsequent scholarship. 

1. Introduction
2. "Entrepreneur as a Person at Crossroads" - A Reflection on Kets de Vries (1977)
3.The Urban Quality Of Life And Entrepreneurship: Past, Present, And Future
4. Danny Miller (1983) and the emergence of the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) construct
5.New Venture Creation: From Gartner to the Present
6. Bowen and Hisrich (1986) on the female entrepreneur: 30 years of research and new directions for gender and entrepreneurship scholarship
7. Intending To Frame Entrepreneurship Research:Thirty Years After Bird (1988)
8. The Rich Legacy of Covin and Slevin (1989) and Lumpkin and Dess (1996): A Constructive Critical Analysis of their Deep Impact on Entrepreneurial Orientation Research
9. William Baumol's 'Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive, and Destructive'
10. The Entrepreneurial 'Mindset': Entrepreneurial Intentions from the Entrepreneurial Event to Neuroentrepreneurship
11. Fool's gold or Goldrush? An Entrepreneurial Dilemma
12. Entrepreneurial Opportunities as the Heart of Entrepreneurship Research
13. Conclusion. 

ISBN 978-3-030-08806-4
Artikelnummer 9783030088064
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2019
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XV, 274 Seiten
Abbildungen XV, 274 p. 7 illus.
Sprache Englisch