Free Radical Biology and Environmental Toxicity

Free Radical Biology and Environmental Toxicity

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The  main  aim  of  this  book  is to  collect  a  series  of  research  articles  and  reviews  from  a  diverse  group  of scientists to share their research work on the role of free radical research and environmental toxicity. This book presents various state-of-the-art chapters of recent progress in the field of cellular toxicology and clinical  manifestations  of  various  disorders. Topics  include  cell  signaling,  various  risk  factors,  the pathophysiology of disease instigation and distribution, mechanistic insights into metal and nanoparticle toxicity, neural toxicity, nongenotoxic carcinogenicity, immune and idiosyncratic toxicity, prevention, biomarkers related to  disease  progression  and  therapeutic  strategies.  In  particular,  this  book  provides  valuable  insight  for researchers, pathologists, and clinicians with an interest in toxicological research and cellular impairments with special emphasis on therapeutic advancement.

Male infertility: a complete guide to lifestyle and environmental factors.- Use  of  folic  acid  in  the  treatment  of  oxidative-stress  associated  male  infertility:  a  myth  or reality?

Methylglyoxal  induced  mitochondrial  perturbation and neuronal toxicity in Alzheimer disease.- Free  radicals-mediated  oxidative  damage  in memory loss: Are antioxidant therapies useful?
ROS-induced  neural  toxicity  in  Parkinson's Disease
Cyclin-dependent  Kinase  in  oxidative  stress  and development of cancer
Radiation induced free radical formation lead to head and neck cancer
Pathophysiology of radiations: Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation oxidative stress and carcinogenesis
Heavy  metal  contamination  induced  oxidative tress lead to neurodegenerative diseases
Networking  of  nanoparticles  toxicity in environment  and  possible  role  of  ROS  in  disease mechanism.- Free radicals and microbes in nature
Relevance  of    ROS  and  NOS  in  Leishmaniasis:  A recent update.- Alcohol-induced  neuronal  toxicity  in  Alzheimer disease.

ISBN 978-3-030-83445-6
Artikelnummer 9783030834456
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2022
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XIV, 392 Seiten
Abbildungen XIV, 392 p. 71 illus., 47 illus. in color.
Sprache Englisch