Genomics and Systems Biology of Mammalian Cell Culture

Genomics and Systems Biology of Mammalian Cell Culture

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Transcriptome Analysis, by Frank Stahl, Bernd Hitzmann, Kai Mutz, Daniel Landgrebe, Miriam Lübbecke, Cornelia Kasper, Johanna Walter und Thomas ScheperTranscriptome Data Analysis for Cell Culture Processes, by Marlene Castro-Melchor, Huong Le und Wei-Shou HuModeling Metabolic Networks for Mammalian Cell Systems: General Considerations, Modeling Strategies, and Available Tools, by Ziomara P. GerdtzenMetabolic Flux Analysis in Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells, by Jens Niklas und Elmar HeinzleAdvancing Biopharmaceutical Process Development by System-Level Data Analysis and Integration of Omics Data, by Jochen Schaub, Christoph Clemens, Hitto Kaufmann und Torsten W. SchulzProtein Glycosylation and Its Impact on Biotechnology, by Markus Berger, Matthias Kaup und Véronique BlanchardProtein Glycosylation Control in Mammalian Cell Culture: Past Precedents and Contemporary Prospects, by Patrick HosslerModeling of Intracellular Transport and Compartmentation, by Uwe Jandt und An-Ping ZengGenetic Aspects of Cell Line Development from a Synthetic Biology Perspective, by L. Botezatu, S. Sievers, L. Gama-Norton, R. Schucht, H. Hauser und D. Wirth.

F. StahlB. HitzmannK. MutzD. LandgrebeM. LübbeckeC. KasperJ. WalterT. ScheperTranscriptome Analysis.-M. Castro-MelchorH. LeW.-S. HuTranscriptome Data Analysis for Cell Culture Processes.-Z. P. GerdtzenModeling Metabolic Networks for Mammalian Cell Systems: General Considerations, Modeling Strategies, and Available Tools.-J. NiklasE. HeinzleMetabolic Flux Analysis in Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells.-J. SchaubC. ClemensH. KaufmannT. W. SchulzAdvancing Biopharmaceutical Process Development by System-Level Data Analysis and Integration of Omics Data.-M. BergerM. KaupV. BlanchardProtein Glycosylation and Its Impact on Biotechnology.-P. HosslerProtein Glycosylation Control in Mammalian Cell Culture: Past Precedents and Contemporary Prospects.-U. JandtA.-P. ZengModeling of Intracellular Transport and Compartmentation.-L. BotezatuS. SieversL. Gama-NortonR. SchuchtH. HauserD. WirthGenetic Aspects of Cell Line Development from a Synthetic Biology Perspective.
ISBN 978-3-642-43406-8
Artikelnummer 9783642434068
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2014
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XXII, 290 Seiten
Abbildungen XXII, 290 p.
Sprache Englisch