German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (GHP 2024)

Translation of "Homöopathisches Arzneibuch. Amtliche Ausgabe"

Unter Mitarbeit von Stephen Benyunes (Übers.)

German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (GHP 2024)

Translation of "Homöopathisches Arzneibuch. Amtliche Ausgabe"

Unter Mitarbeit von Stephen Benyunes (Übers.)

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The German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia is the English translation of the official German "Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia".

Homoeopathy is an acknowledged school of complementary medicine. Homoeopathic medicinal products are becoming increasingly important. Just like conventional medicine, homoeopathic substances are carefully tested for identity, purity and assay. The standards to ensure the pharmaceutical quality of homoeopathic medicinal products are established in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (HAB). This work is therefore indispensable for anyone engaged in all aspects of the manufacture, evaluation, registration or dispensing of homoeopathic substances:

Homoeopathic manufacturers

National registration authorities

Homoeopathic physicians

Non-medical practitioners


The GHP comprises about 600 monographs and 300 general texts including reagents, excipients, analytical methods and manufacturing methods from homoeopathy, anthroposophy and spagyrics as well as the production of organ-derived preparation. The analytical methods are based on the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.). The monographs are also structured in the same way as in the Ph. Eur. but include in addition sections dealing with the dosage forms, their production and quality requirements.

The GHP is compiled in close collaboration with the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medicinal Devices and is given a cumulative update each year.

The GHP is available as print edition (loose-leaf format) or as online version with the same contents.

ISBN 978-3-8047-5100-2
Medientyp Gesamtwerk - Ringordner
Auflage 17. , including 21st Supplement
Copyrightjahr 2024
Verlag MedPharm
Umfang 2454 Seiten
Format 16,8 x 24,0 cm
Sprache Englisch