Global Catastrophic Biological Risks

Global Catastrophic Biological Risks

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This volume focuses on Global Catastrophic Biological Risks (GCBRs), a special class of infectious disease outbreaks or pandemics in which the combined capacity of the world's private and government resources becomes severely strained. These events, of which the 1918 influenza pandemic is emblematic, cause severe disruptions in the normal functioning of the world, exact heavy tolls in terms of morbidity and mortality, and lead to major economic losses.

GCBRs can be caused by any type of microorganism, and myriad contextual factors can influence their impact. Additionally, there are cascading questions that arise in connection with GCBR prediction, preparation, and response.

This book gathers contributions from thought leaders who discuss the multi-faceted approaches needed in order to address this problem. From understanding the special characteristics of various microbes to financing challenges, the volume provides an essential primer on a neglected but highly relevant topic. Physicians, scientists, policymakers, public health practitioners and anyone with an interest in the field of pandemics, emerging infectious disease, biosecurity, and global health security will find it a valuable and insightful resource.

Characteristics of Microbes Most Likely to Cause Pandemics and Global Catastrophes. - Enhancing Situational Awareness to Prevent Infectious Disease Outbreaks from Becoming Catastrophic. - Viral Forecasting, Pathogen Cataloging, and Disease Ecosystem Mapping: Measuring Returns on Investments. -  Risk and Response to Biological Catastrophe in Lower Income Countries. - Global Catastrophic Threats from the Fungal Kingdom. - Artemisinin-Resistant Malaria as a Global Catastrophic Biological Threat. - Does Biotechnology Pose New Catastrophic Risks. - Priorities for Public-Private Cooperation to Mitigate Risk and Impact of Global Catastrophic Biological Risks.

ISBN 978-3-030-36313-0
Artikelnummer 9783030363130
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2020
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang VII, 128 Seiten
Abbildungen VII, 128 p. 8 illus., 6 illus. in color.
Sprache Englisch