Handbook of Software Solutions for ICME

Handbook of Software Solutions for ICME

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As one of the results of an ambitious project, this handbook provides a well-structured directory
of globally available software tools in the area of Integrated Computational Materials
Engineering (ICME).
The compilation covers models, software tools, and numerical methods allowing describing
electronic, atomistic, and mesoscopic phenomena, which in their combination determine the
microstructure and the properties of materials. It reaches out to simulations of component
manufacture comprising primary shaping, forming, joining, coating, heat treatment, and
machining processes. Models and tools addressing the in-service behavior like fatigue, corrosion,
and eventually recycling complete the compilation.
An introductory overview is provided for each of these different modelling areas highlighting the
relevant phenomena and also discussing the current state for the different simulation approaches.
A must-have for researchers, application engineers, and simulation software providers seeking
a holistic overview about the current state of the art in a huge variety of modelling topics.
This handbook equally serves as a reference manual for academic and commercial software developers
and providers, for industrial users of simulation software, and for decision makers seeking
to optimize their production by simulations. In view of its sound introductions into the different
fields of materials physics, materials chemistry, materials engineering and materials processing
it also serves as a tutorial for students in the emerging discipline of ICME, which requires a broad
view on things and at least a basic education in adjacent fields.

Dr.rer.nat. Georg J. Schmitz obtained his PhD in Materials Science in 1991 from RWTH Aachen University in the area of microstructure control in high temperature superconductors. At present he is senior scientist at ACCESS e.V., a private, non-profit research center at the RWTH Aachen University. His research interests comprise microstructure formation in multicomponent alloys, modeling of solidification phenomena, phase-field models and thermodynamics. He is the official agent for Thermo-Calc Software AB in Germany and provides global support for MICRESS?. Dr. Schmitz is the coordinator of the European 'Integrated Computational Materials Engineering expert group - ICMEg'. He has been appointed as expert by several institutions and is active member of the TMS committee on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering 'ICME' and of the European Materials Modelling Council EMMC.
He is editor and reviewer for a number of journals and has published more than 150 scientific articles and - jointly with Dr. Prahl - edited a recent book on a platform concept for ICME.

Ulrich Prahl received his Dr.-Ing. in Mechanical Engineering in 2002 from RWTH Aachen University on the area of damage and failure prediction of high-strength fine-grain pipeline steels. This work has been performed in the framework of the joined program 'Integrative Material Modelling' which aimed the development of materials models on various length scales. Since 2002 he is working as senior scientist at the department of ferrous metallurgy at RWTH Aachen University where he is heading the scientific working group 'Material Simulation'. He is coordinator in the AixViPMaP project, which aims the definition of a modular integrative platform for the modelling of material processes on various length scales along the entire process chain, as well as editor of the journal Integrated Materials and Manufacturing Innovation. Dr. Prahl has authored and co-authored more than 180 scientific articles and - jointly with Dr. Schmitz - edited a recent book on a platform concept for ICME.

1;Cover????????????????????????;1 2;Title Page??????????????????????????????????;5 3;Copyright????????????????????????????????;6 4;Contents??????????????????????????????;7 5;List of Contributors??????????????????????????????????????????????????????;19 6;Preface????????????????????????????;29 7;Chapter 1 Introduction??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;33 7.1;1.1 Motivation??????????????????????????????????????????;33 7.2;1.2 What is ICME?????????????????????????????????????????????????;34 7.3;1.3 Industrial Needs for ICME????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;36 7.4;1.4 Present ICME??????????????????????????????????????????????;41 7.5;1.5 Scope of this Book??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;43 7.6;1.6 Structure of the Book????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;45 7.7;References??????????????????????????????????;49 8;Chapter 2 Modeling at the Process and Component Scales??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;51 8.1;2.1 Overview of Processing Methods and Process Chains????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;53 8.1.1;2.1.1 History of Metalworking????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;54 8.1.2;2.1.2 History of Modeling of Manufacturing Processes??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;55 8.1.3;2.1.3 Overview of Processing Methods??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;57 8.1.4;2.1.4 Processes and Process Chains??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;58 8.1.5;2.1.5 Benefits of Modeling Process Chains????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;59 8.1.6;2.1.6 Available Modeling Tools at Component Scale????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;61 8.2;References??????????????????????????????????;62 8.3;Appendix??????????????????????????????;64 8.4;2.2 Primary Shaping Processes????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;67 8.4.1;2.2.1 Overview??????????????????????????????????????????;67; Solidification and Crystal Growth????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;68 8.4.2;2.2.2 Casting????????????????????????????????????????;68 8.4.3;2.2.3 Plastics Processing????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;70 8.4.4;2.2.4 Sintering????????????????????????????????????????????;73 8.4.5;2.2.5 Additive Manufacturing??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;76 8.4.6;2.2.6 Typical Applications of Simulations in Primary Shaping Processes??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;76; Casting????????????????????????????????????????????;76; Plastics Processing????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;77; Sintering????????????????????????????????????????????????;78 8.4.7;2.2.7 Phenomena to be Modeled????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;80; Casting/Crystal Growth??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;80; Plastics Processing????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;82; Sintering????????????????????????????????????????????????;82 8.4.8;2.2.8 Basic Equations to be Solved??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????;83; Casting/Plastics Processing????????
ISBN 9783527693597
Artikelnummer 9783527693597
Medientyp E-Book - PDF
Copyrightjahr 2016
Verlag Wiley-VCH
Umfang 632 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Kopierschutz Adobe DRM