Handbook on Information Technology in Finance

Handbook on Information Technology in Finance

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Why do we need a handbook on Information Technology (IT) and Finance? At first, because both IT as well as finance, are some of the most prominent driving forces of our contemporary world. Secondly, because both areas develop with a terrific speed causing an urgent need of up to date information on recent dev- opments. Thirdly, because serious applications of IT in Finance require specialists with a professional training and professional knowledge in both areas. Over the last decades the world has seen many changes in politics, economics, science and legislation. The driving forces behind many of these developments are of a technological nature. One of the key technologies with this respect is Infor- tion Technology. IT is the most prominent technology revolutionizing the ind- trial development, from products and processes to services, as well as finance, which is itself one of the central pillars of modern economics. The explosive - velopment of the Internet emphasizes the importance of IT, since it is today's key factor driving global access and availability of information and allows the division of labour on an international scale, the globalization. The profound transformation of finance and the financial industry over the last twenty years was driven by technological developments - e. g.

IT Systems, Infrastructure and Applications
SOA in the Financial Industry - Technology Impact in Companies' Practice
Information Systems and IT Architectures for Securities Trading
Product Management Systems in Financial Services Software Architectures
Management of Security Risks - A Controlling Model for Banking Companies
Process-Oriented Systems in Corporate Treasuries: A Case Study from BMW Group
Streamlining Foreign Exchange Management Operations with Corporate Financial Portals
Capital Markets in the Gulf: International Access, Electronic Trading and Regulation
Competition of Retail Trading Venues ? Online-brokerage and Security Markets in Germany
Strategies for a Customer-Oriented Consulting Approach
A Reference Model for Personal Financial Planning
Internet Payments in Germany
Grid Computing for Commercial Enterprise Environments
Operational Metrics and Technical Platform for Measuring Bank Process Performance
Risk and IT in Insurances
Resolving Conceptual Ambiguities in Technology Risk Management
Extracting Financial Data from SEC Filings for US GAAP Accountants
IT Methods in Finance
Networks in Finance
Agent-based Simulation for Research in Economics
The Heterogeneous Agents Approach to Financial Markets - Development and Milestones
An Adaptive Model of Asset Price and Wealth Dynamics in a Market with Heterogeneous Trading Strategies
Simulation Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations
Foundations of Option Pricing
Long-Range Dependence, Fractal Processes, and Intra-Daily Data
Bayesian Applications to the Investment Management Process
Post-modern Approaches for Portfolio Optimization
Applications of Heuristics in Finance
Kernel Methods in Finance
Complexity of Exchange Markets
FurtherAspects and Future Trends
IT Security: New Requirements, Regulations and Approaches
Legal Aspects of Internet Banking in Germany
Challenges and Trends for Insurance Companies
Added Value and Challenges of Industry-Academic Research Partnerships - The Example of the E-Finance Lab.
ISBN 978-3-540-49486-7
Artikelnummer 9783540494867
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2008
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XXXIII, 800 Seiten
Abbildungen XXXIII, 800 p.
Sprache Englisch