Images of Crime III.

Representations of Crime and the Criminal.

Images of Crime III.

Representations of Crime and the Criminal.

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in Vorbereitung

"The title of the volumes, 'Images of Crime', rather undersells the richness of what they contain ... Understanding the complexities of crime, even pledges to 'get tough' on the causes, have been side-lined. So the series' commitment to a multi-disciplinary and critical excavation of ideas of crime remains vitally apposite, however much it is a rather quixotic battle against the dominant currents of our time. It is very much to be hoped that the good it did is not interred with the series, but lives after it. I believe that the strength of the scholarly contributions in these volumes will indeed lead to their being referenced and remembered as significant landmarks in critical criminology."

From the Preface (Robert Reiner, Professor of Criminology, London School of Economics)

Inhalt: R. Reiner, Preface - T. Serassis / H. Kania / H.-J. Albrecht, Introduction - N. Christie / H. Giertsen, When Sexuality Lost its Disciplining Power: Changes in Conditions for Control - J. Mooney / J. Young, Youth, Moral Panic and Late Modernity - N. Paraskevopoulos, Targeting Majorities: New Orientations of Penal Control - R. Lippens, Tribal Images, Fashionable Deviance, and Cultural Distinction: Notes on Criminological Change - A. Chaidou, Images of Violence in Everyday Life - K. Bott / K. Reich / H.-J. Kerner, Images of 'Crime' from Kindergarten to High School: Development and Differentiation of Concepts of Crime and Criminals in the Early Life Course among Young People in Germany - J. Hupfeld, Men's and Women's Theories about the Causes of Crime: The Influence of Severity and Type of Offence on Intentions to Punish - M. Bock, The Selective Perception of Domestic Violence - D. Vyleta, From Crime Science to Detective Fiction: The Case of Agatha Christie - J. Alber, The Ideological Underpinnings of Prisons and their Inmates from Charles Dickens's Novels to Twentieth-Century Film - P. Mason, Hollywood's Prison Film: Towards a Discursive Regime of Imprisonment - M. Fludernik / M. Brandenstein, Images of Crime and the German Justice System in German Trial Soaps - G. Forti, 'Public Harm' in the Media Selection of Crimes: A Discussion of a Recent Research Project in Light of Cesare Beccaria's Philosophy
ISBN 9783428130580
Artikelnummer 9783428130580
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2009
Verlag Duncker & Humblot
Umfang VIII, 217 Seiten
Abbildungen Tab., Abb.;VIII, 217 S.
Sprache Englisch