Imaging of Gynecological Disorders in Infants and Children

Imaging of Gynecological Disorders in Infants and Children

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This textbook provides a comprehensive review of gynecological imaging in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Experts from the disciplines of pediatric radiology, gynecology, surgery, and endocrinology have come together to produce a textbook that, while written primarily from the perspective of the radiologist, will be of value to all professionals involved in the management of these patients. The normal development of the female reproductive tract is described in detail through embryological development, normal childhood appearances, and puberty. Congenital abnormalities are addressed in chapters reviewing structural abnormalities of the reproductive tract and disorders of sex development. A symptoms-based approach is followed in chapters devoted to the assessment of the patient with gynecological pain and disorders of menstruation. Disorders of the breast and the imaging of patients with gynecological neoplasia are considered in dedicated chapters.

Diagnostic Techniques

Embryology of the Female Reproductive Tract
Structural Abnormalities of the Female Reproductive Tract
Disorders of Sex Development
Normal Puberty
Delayed and Precocious Puberty
Disorders of Menstruation
Gynaecological Neoplasia
Gynaecological Pain
Disorders of the Breast
Appendix: Normal Values
Subject Index-.

ISBN 978-3-540-85601-6
Artikelnummer 9783540856016
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2012
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XII, 255 Seiten
Abbildungen XII, 255 p.
Sprache Englisch