Introducing the Controlling Effectiveness Model

A Case Study from Poland

Introducing the Controlling Effectiveness Model

A Case Study from Poland

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Focusing on the controlling management method, this book considers the conditions that must be met within a given organization in order for controlling to achieve the desired level of product quality, allowing it to enhance the performance of the organization as a whole.
The book describes the influence of each identified group of conditions on the Controlling Effectiveness Model and includes empirical research, conducted at various organizations operating in Poland, that verifies its theoretical assumptions. In terms of analyzing the empirical data, description and statistical inference methods were used, such as students' t-test scores for independent samples, non-parametric r-Pearson correlation and linear regression analysis. Additionally, the book includes moderators and mediators executed using Process Macro for SPSS by Hayes, and multigroup path analysis executed using SPSS AMOS.

Agnieszka Bie?kowska is the Vice-Rector of Wroc?aw University of Science and Technology (Poland) and Professor of WUST at the Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Department of Management Systems and Organizational Development. Her research areas are focused on modern methods of management (especially controlling) and HRM solutions in organizations.

ISBN 9783030738082
Artikelnummer 9783030738082
Medientyp E-Book - PDF
Copyrightjahr 2021
Verlag Springer-Verlag
Umfang 104 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Kopierschutz Digitales Wasserzeichen