Key Topics in Otolaryngology

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Key Topics in Otolaryngology

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The long and eagerly awaited third edition of this popular and compact textbook is here.

Often labelled an "exam bible" in its previous editions, Key Topics in Otorhinolaryngology provides a concise yet comprehensive overview that clinical students and trainees alike can use. It will serve as an ideal introduction to ENT and also prove to be a valuable revision aid for ENT examinations.

Conceived and edited by three very knowledgeable and highly respected ENT surgeonsfrom the UK with a wealth of examining experience and an in-depth understanding of the British, European, and International examination formats and contents.

Key Features:
- Contents organised alphabetically in manageable sized chapters, covering individual topics in a systematic style with great clarity.
- Liberally updated to reflect new developments in the field with 21 new chapters, and inclusive coverage of all sub-specialties in the discipline.
- An ideal introduction to the specialty for medical students, and an accessible source of reference for general practitioners and junior doctors covering ENT.
- It is insightful and succinct, whilst providing sufficient detail to be used as a valuable revision aid for those studying for post-graduate examinations in Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery.

Key Topics in Otolaryngology is certain to become a much-used reference for students, primary healtcare physicians and surgical trainees alike.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on

1 Adenoids
2 Age-Associated Hearing Loss
3 Anaesthesia General
4 Anaesthesia Local
5 Anaesthesia Sedation
6 Audit, Quality Improvement and Clinical Governance
7 Barotrauma
8 Caloric Tests
9 Cervical Lymphadenopathy
10 Cholesteatoma
11 Clinical Assessment of Hearing
12 Cochlear Implants
13 Congenital Hearing Disorders
14 Consent and Capacity
15 Cosmetic Surgery
16 Cough
17 Day Case ENT Surgery
18 Drooling
19 Epiglottitis
20 Epistaxis
21 Eponyms in ENT
22 Evidence-Based Medicine
23 Evoked Response Audiometry
24 Examination of the Ear
25 Examination of the Head and Neck
26 Examination of the Nose
27 Examinations in ENT
28 External Ear Conditions
29 Facial Nerve Palsy
30 Fistula
31 Foreign Bodies in ENT
32 Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
33 Globus Pharyngeus
34 Halitosis
35 Headache and Facial Pain
36 Hearing Aids
37 Hearing Loss Acquired
38 HIV in Otolaryngology
39 Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma
40 Imaging in ENT
41 Impedance Audiometry
42 Labyrinthitis
43 Laryngeal Carcinoma
44 Laryngectomy
45 Lasers in ENT
46 Literature Review and Statistics
47 Mastoid Surgery
48 Medicolegal Aspects of ENT
49 Ménière's Disease
50 Nasal Reconstruction
51 Nasal Trauma
52 Nasopharyngeal Tumours
53 Neck Dissection
54 Neck Swellings
55 Neck Space Infection
56 Neck Trauma
57 Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
58 Non-Healing Nasal Granulomata
59 Non-Organic Hearing Loss
60 Nutrition in Head and Neck Cancer
61 Oral Cavity Carcinoma
62 Oral Lesions
63 Oropharyngeal Carcinoma
64 Otalgia
65 Otitis Externa
66 Otitis Media with Effusion
67 Otoacoustic Emissions
68 Otorrhoea
69 Otosclerosis
70 Ototoxicity
71 Paediatric Airway Problems
72 Paediatric Endoscopy
73 Paediatric Genetic Syndromes and Associations
74 Paediatric Hearing Assessment
75 Paediatric Nasal Obstruction
76 Papilloma of the Larynx
77 Parathyroid Disease
78 Perilymph and Labyrinthine Fistula
79 Pharyngeal Pouch
80 Pure-Tone Audiometry
81 Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer
82 Reconstructive Surgery
83 Rhinitis Allergic
84 Rhinitis Non-Allergic
85 Rhinoplasty
86 Rhinosinusitis Appropriate Terminology
87 Rhinosinusitis Acute
88 Rhinosinusitis Chronic without Nasal Polyps
89 Rhinosinusitis Chronic (with Nasal Polyps)
90 Rhinosinusitis Complications
91 Rhinosinusitis Fungal
92 Robots in ENT/Head and Neck Surgery
93 Salivary Gland Diseases
94 Salivary Gland Neoplasms
95 Septal Perforation
96 Sinonasal Tumours
97 Skin Cancer Melanoma
98 Skin Cancer Non-Melanoma
99 Smell and Taste Disorders
100 Snoring and Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder
101 Speech and Swallow Rehabilitation Following Head and Neck Surgery
102 Speech Audiometry
103 Speech and Language Therapy for Benign Voice Disorders
104 Stertor and Stridor
105 Sudden Hearing Loss
106 Suppurative Otitis Media Acute
107 Suppurative Otitis Media Chronic
108 Suppurative Otitis Media Complications
109 Temporal Bone Cancer
110 Temporal Bone Fractures
111 Thyroid Disease Benign
112 Thyroid Disease Malignant
113 Tinnitus
114 Tonsil Disease
115 Tonsillectomy
116 Tracheostomy
117 Tympanoplasty
118 Tympanosclerosis
119 Vertigo
120 Vestibular Function Tests
121 Vestibular Schwannoma
122 Vocal Fold Paralysis
123 Voice Disorders

ISBN 9783132404779
Artikelnummer 9783132404779
Medientyp Non Books
Auflage 3. Aufl.
Copyrightjahr 2019
Verlag Thieme, Stuttgart
Umfang 504 Seiten
Abbildungen 58 Abb.
Sprache Englisch