Leadership - What Really Matters

A Handbook on Systemic Leadership

Leadership - What Really Matters

A Handbook on Systemic Leadership

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What does really matter for daily leadership? How would a good and effective manager be characterized? Daniel F. Pinnow describes in a very illustrative way the essentials of collaborating with people in the business environment. This standard reference book exists as a 4th edition in German and is also available in Chinese. It provides a comprehensive and easy-to-understand overview over the most important leadership approaches in theory and practice. The credo of the author is: Leadership is an art of creating a world where others would love to join in.

Leadership in the 21st century

Leadership in a time of crisis?
Occupation or calling
What makes for good leadership?
Considering the whole
Leading with your heart and head
The instruments of systemic leadership: Employee interview, Coaching, Conflict management, Feedback culture, Goal-setting process, Delegating, Team development
Ten central theses about leadership.

ISBN 978-3-642-20246-9
Artikelnummer 9783642202469
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2011
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XX, 248 Seiten
Abbildungen XX, 248 p.
Sprache Englisch