
History and Basic Biology


History and Basic Biology

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Measles virus, one of the most contagious of all human viruses, has been largely contained by the development and use of a vaccine that was introduced 50 years ago. These two volumes were timed to honor the introduction of the vaccine and to record the enormous advancements made in understanding the molecular and cell biology, pathogenesis, and control of this infectious disease. Where vaccine has been effectively delivered, endemic measles virus transmission has been eliminated. However, difficulties in vaccine delivery, lack of health care support and objection to vaccination in some communities continue to result in nearly 40 million cases and over 300,000 deaths per year from measles.

John F. Enders and Measles Virus Vaccine-a Reminiscence
Measles Virus Receptors
Measles Virus and CD46
Measles Virus Glycoprotein Complex Assembly, Receptor Attachment, and Cell Entry
The Measles Virus Replication Cycle
Nucleocapsid Structure and Function
Reverse Genetics of Measles Virus and Resulting Multivalent Recombinant Vaccines: Applications of Recombinant Measles Viruses
Measles Virus Interaction with Host Cells and Impact on Innate Immunity.
ISBN 978-3-540-70522-2
Artikelnummer 9783540705222
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2009
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang VIII, 199 Seiten
Abbildungen VIII, 199 p.
Sprache Englisch