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In the course of evaluating the patient with spinal disease, a myriad of measurements need to be performed before determining the diagnosis and the severity of the disease process. This text explicitly outlines the measurement of the spine from a clinical, laboratory, and radiographic approach. A detailed description of the actual technique of measurement and the clinical implication are presented with accompanying illustrations. This amalgamation of measurement tools for the spine is a beneficial reference for a wide spectrum of healthcare providers: students, nurses, residents, fellows, and established surgeons.

In addition to its detailed illustrated presentation, each measurement technique has been graded for scientific and clinical utility with a score that specifically grades:

- Interobserver reliability
- Intraobserver reliability
- Universality
- Disease specificity
- Ease of application
- Simplicity
- Patient tolerability
- Expense

The detail presented in this text will not only serve as a reference, but will also allow the reader to accurately reproduce measurement techniques, thus enhancing inter-physician communication, research of the spine, and improvement of patient care.
ISBN 9783131711915
Artikelnummer 9783131711915
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2012
Verlag Thieme, Stuttgart
Umfang 384 Seiten
Abbildungen 228 Abb.
Sprache Englisch