Microbiological Methods for Environment, Food and Pharmaceutical Analysis

Microbiological Methods for Environment, Food and Pharmaceutical Analysis

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This book provides a broad account of various applied aspects of microbiology for quality and safety evaluations in food, water, soil, environment and pharmaceutical sciences. The work is timely, as the safety and quality of various commodities such as water and wastewater, food, pharmaceutical medications and medical devices are of paramount concern in developing countries globally for improved public health quality in areas ranging from food security to disease exposure. The book offers an introduction to basic concepts of biosafety and related microbiological practices and applies these methodologies to a multitude of disciplines in subject-focused chapters. Each chapter offers experiments and exercises pertaining to the specific area of interest in microbiological research, which will allow readers to apply the knowledge gained in a laboratory or classroom setting to see the microbiological methods discussed in practice. The book will be useful for industrialists, researchers, academics and undergraduate/graduate students of microbiology, biotechnology, botany and pharmaceutical sciences. The text aims to be a significant contribution in effectively guiding scientists, analysts, lab technicians and quality managers working with microbiology in industrial and commercial fields.

Chapter 1. Introductory analytical microbiology. - Chapter 2. Good microbiological laboratory practices. - Chapter 3. Microbiological culture media: types, role and composition. - Chapter 4. Sterilization and disinfection. - Chapter 5. Equipments & instruments for microbiological laboratories. - Chapter 6. Methods of sampling for environment, food and pharmaceutical analysis. - Chapter 7. Microbiological methods for water, soil and air analysis. - Chapter 8. Microbiological methods for food analysis. - Chapter 9. Microbiological methods for pharmaceutical analysis. - Chapter 10. Biochemical and molecular methods for bacterial identification.
ISBN 978-3-030-52023-6
Artikelnummer 9783030520236
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2020
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XXXIV, 487 Seiten
Abbildungen XXXIV, 487 p. 116 illus.
Sprache Englisch