Modern Project Management

Modern Project Management

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In this translation of the updated and expanded new edition of "Modern Project Management", Holger Timinger explains the classic, agile and hybrid approaches to project management. This book is intended to enable you to use suitable processes, methods, tools and roles for handling an individual project task, and also deals with the HyProM structuring framework.
You will learn what characterizes traditional project management and in which situations it has strengths and weaknesses. The author also shows you when and where to use agile project management. This allows you to combine traditional and agile approaches when it makes sense.
The book takes up current standards such as the Individual Competence Baseline (ICB) 4.0 of the International Project Management Association (IPMA) and the PMBOK of the Project Management Institute (PMI).
It is one of the first books to deal with hybrid project management in a structured and comprehensive way, using an innovative framework. The framework structures project management processes, methods, tools and roles.
The digital business world, agile transformation and technology and innovation management are buzzwords that are preoccupying many companies. Efficient and effective project management can make an important contribution to this.
ISBN 9783527530588
Artikelnummer 9783527530588
Medientyp Buch
Auflage 1. Auflage
Copyrightjahr 2025
Verlag Wiley-VCH
Umfang 592 Seiten
Sprache Englisch