Molecular Medicine

An Introduction

Molecular Medicine

An Introduction

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Extensively updated, the new edition of this pioneering textbook for Molecular Medicine covers 14 modules from molecular diagnostics to precision medicine approaches, stem cells, and gene therapy.

1 Introduction
1.1 The Basics of Molecular Medicine
1.2 The Human Cell
1.3 DNA Replication and Gene Expression
1.4 Biological Communication
1.5 The Immune System
2 Methods in Molecular Medicine
2.1 DNA Microarrays
2.2 Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
2.3 Next-Generation Sequencing
2.4 Proteomics
2.5 Animal Models in Biomedical Research
2.6 Alternatives to Animal Testing
2.7 Additional Methods
3 Genetic Disorders
3.1 Single-Gene Disorders
3.2 Polygenic Disorders
4 Molecular Oncology
4.1 Basics of Oncology
4.2 Selected Cancer Diseases
4.3 Oncolytic Virus Therapy
4.4 Cancer Stem Cells
4.5 Cancer Immunotherapy
5 Molecular Virology
5.1 The Basics of Virology
5.2 Vaccination
5.3 Detection of Viruses
5.4 Antiviral Therapy
5.5 Prions
6 Bacteria and Eukaryotic Pathogens
6.1 Bacteria
6.2 Eukaryotic Pathogens
7 Genomics and Proteomics
7.1 Whole Genome Sequencing
7.2 The Human Genome
7.3 Sequencing of Ancient DNA
7.4 Follow-up Initiatives of the Human Genome Project
8 Genetic Testing
8.1 Types of Genetic Tests
8.2 Chromosome Abnormalities
8.3 Molecular Diagnosis
9 Pharmacogenetics/Pharmacogenomics
9.1 Uptake and Transport of Drugs
9.2 Drug Metabolism
9.3 Drug Targeting
9.4 Drug Toxicity and Hypersensitivity
9.5 Drug Development and Individual Pharmacotherapy
10 Recombinant Protein Drugs
10.1 Production of Recombinant Proteins
10.2 Classes of Recombinant Drugs
11 Gene Therapy
11.1 Types of Gene Therapy
11.2 Methods of Gene Transfer
11.3 Tissue Specificity of Gene Transfer and Gene Expression
11.4 Applications of Gene Therapy
11.5 Genome Editing with CRISPR/Cas
11.6 Future Prospects
12 Stem Cells
12.1 Embryonic Stem Cells
12.2 Adult Stem Cells
12.3 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
12.4 Transdifferentiation and Direct Reprogramming
12.5 Differentiation of Stem Cells
12.6 Medical Applications of Stem Cells
13 Oligonucleotide-based Strategies
13.1 Antisense Oligonucleotides
13.2 RNA Interference
13.3 MicroRNAs
13.4 Aptamers, Decoy Oligonucleotides, and Immunostimulatory Oligonucleotides
14 Ethics in Molecular Medicine
14.1 The Basis of Bioethics
14.2 Fields of Application
ISBN 9783527352395
Artikelnummer 9783527352395
Medientyp Buch
Auflage 2. Aufl.
Copyrightjahr 2025
Verlag Wiley-VCH
Umfang 464 Seiten
Abbildungen 307 Farbabb.
Sprache Englisch