Retrospect and Perspectives
Retrospect and Perspectives
'70 years after the discovery of secretory neurons, internationally leading experts gathered to discuss the latest developments in neuropeptide research and endocrinology, concentrating on the molecular, cellular, supracellular and systemic aspects. A variety of neuropeptidergic systems are considered under comparative and evolutionary aspects.
3. Neurohormones and Neurohormone Receptors in Invertebrates
4. Components of the Neuroendocrine Exocytosis Apparatus
5. Neuroendocrine Cells Revisited: A System for Studying Subcellular mRNA Compartmentalization
6. Peptide-Secreting Dendrites: New Controls for Neuroendocrine Neurons
7. Intracerebral Release of Vasopressin and Oxytocin: New Aspects of the Old Concept of Neurosecretion
8. Effects of Neuropeptides on Brain Function in Humans
9. Reduced Number of Nitric Oxide Synthase Immunoreactive Neurons in the Nucleus Paraventricularis Hypothalami of Depressed Patients and Schizophrenics
10. Neurofibrillary Degeneration in Hypophysiotrophic Nuclei of the Aging Human Hypothalamus
11. Sexual Dimorphism, Steroid-Induced Plasticity, and Behavioral Significance of the Vasotocinergic Innervation of the Avian Brain
12. The Stimulatory Action of the Glutamate Agonist, N-Methyl-Aspartate, on Luteinizing Hormone Release in the Cockerel with Immunocytochemical Observations on Its Mode of Action
13. Neuroendocrine Role of Receptors for Insulin and IGF-1 in the Pituitary Gland: Morphological Considerations
14. Insulin-Like Growth Factor I in Bony Fish
15. Corticosterone Upregulates Hippocampal Calbindin-D28k in a Region-Specific Manner and Exacerbates Ischemic Neuronal Damage Exclusively in Non-Calbindinergic Neurons
16. Structural Evidence for Direct and Indirect Neuro-Endocrine Interactions in the Human Adrenal Cortex
17. Neuroepithelial Bodies in Vertebrate Lungs
18. Control of the Release of Plasma Catecholamines
19. Lysenin, a Novel Bioactive Protein Isolated from Coelomic Fluid of the Earthworm Eisenia foetida - Structure, Secretion andBiological Activity
20. Receptors and Effects of the Inhibitory Neuropeptide Somatostatin in Glial Derivatives
21. Specific Glycoproteins of the Subcommissural Organ/Reissner's Fiber Complex: Molecular and Functional Evidence of their Involvement in Developmental Events
22. Development and Differentiation of Blood Vessels in the Central Nervous System
23. Melatonin Inhibits the PACAP-Induced Phosphorylation of the Transcription Factor CREB in the Rat Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
24. Transcription Factors in the Photoneuroendocrine System
25. Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase I Determines the Strength of Adrenergic Cyclic GMP Response in the Rat Pineal Gland
26. Noradrenergic and VTPergic Signal Transduction in Rat Pinealocytes
27. Morphological Characterization of Rat Pineal Explant Cultures
28. Changes in the Three-Dimensional Structure of Synaptic Ribbons in the Pineal Gland of the Guinea-Pig Caused by Constant Light
29. Immunocompetent Cells in the Rat Pineal Gland with Special Reference to Macrophages and Dendritic Cells
30. Melatonin Synthesis and Calcium Responses in the Pineal Gland of the Trout
31. The Work of Ludwig Edinger and His Neurology Institute.
1. Ernst and Berta Scharrer - Pioneers in Neuroendocrinology
2. The Ups and Downs of Neuropeptides3. Neurohormones and Neurohormone Receptors in Invertebrates
4. Components of the Neuroendocrine Exocytosis Apparatus
5. Neuroendocrine Cells Revisited: A System for Studying Subcellular mRNA Compartmentalization
6. Peptide-Secreting Dendrites: New Controls for Neuroendocrine Neurons
7. Intracerebral Release of Vasopressin and Oxytocin: New Aspects of the Old Concept of Neurosecretion
8. Effects of Neuropeptides on Brain Function in Humans
9. Reduced Number of Nitric Oxide Synthase Immunoreactive Neurons in the Nucleus Paraventricularis Hypothalami of Depressed Patients and Schizophrenics
10. Neurofibrillary Degeneration in Hypophysiotrophic Nuclei of the Aging Human Hypothalamus
11. Sexual Dimorphism, Steroid-Induced Plasticity, and Behavioral Significance of the Vasotocinergic Innervation of the Avian Brain
12. The Stimulatory Action of the Glutamate Agonist, N-Methyl-Aspartate, on Luteinizing Hormone Release in the Cockerel with Immunocytochemical Observations on Its Mode of Action
13. Neuroendocrine Role of Receptors for Insulin and IGF-1 in the Pituitary Gland: Morphological Considerations
14. Insulin-Like Growth Factor I in Bony Fish
15. Corticosterone Upregulates Hippocampal Calbindin-D28k in a Region-Specific Manner and Exacerbates Ischemic Neuronal Damage Exclusively in Non-Calbindinergic Neurons
16. Structural Evidence for Direct and Indirect Neuro-Endocrine Interactions in the Human Adrenal Cortex
17. Neuroepithelial Bodies in Vertebrate Lungs
18. Control of the Release of Plasma Catecholamines
19. Lysenin, a Novel Bioactive Protein Isolated from Coelomic Fluid of the Earthworm Eisenia foetida - Structure, Secretion andBiological Activity
20. Receptors and Effects of the Inhibitory Neuropeptide Somatostatin in Glial Derivatives
21. Specific Glycoproteins of the Subcommissural Organ/Reissner's Fiber Complex: Molecular and Functional Evidence of their Involvement in Developmental Events
22. Development and Differentiation of Blood Vessels in the Central Nervous System
23. Melatonin Inhibits the PACAP-Induced Phosphorylation of the Transcription Factor CREB in the Rat Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
24. Transcription Factors in the Photoneuroendocrine System
25. Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase I Determines the Strength of Adrenergic Cyclic GMP Response in the Rat Pineal Gland
26. Noradrenergic and VTPergic Signal Transduction in Rat Pinealocytes
27. Morphological Characterization of Rat Pineal Explant Cultures
28. Changes in the Three-Dimensional Structure of Synaptic Ribbons in the Pineal Gland of the Guinea-Pig Caused by Constant Light
29. Immunocompetent Cells in the Rat Pineal Gland with Special Reference to Macrophages and Dendritic Cells
30. Melatonin Synthesis and Calcium Responses in the Pineal Gland of the Trout
31. The Work of Ludwig Edinger and His Neurology Institute.
Korf, Horst-Werner
Usadel, Klaus-Henning
ISBN | 978-3-642-64605-8 |
Artikelnummer | 9783642646058 |
Medientyp | Buch |
Auflage | Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1997 |
Copyrightjahr | 2011 |
Verlag | Springer, Berlin |
Umfang | X, 444 Seiten |
Abbildungen | X, 444 p. |
Sprache | Englisch |