Nucleic Acid-Based Nanomaterials

Stabilities and Applications

Nucleic Acid-Based Nanomaterials

Stabilities and Applications

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comprehensively reviews the current research status, the biostability and diverse applications of nucleic acid nanomaterials.

1. Introductions of Nucleic Acid-based Nanomaterials
2. The methods to Improve the Stability of Framework Nucleic Acid-based Nanomaterials
3. Framework Nucleic Acid-Based Nanomaterials: A Promising Vehicle for Small Molecular Cargos
4. The Application of Framework Nucleic Acid-Based Nanomaterials in the Treatment of Mitochondrial Dysfunction
5. Regeneration of Bone-related Diseases by Nucleic Acid-Based Nanomaterials: Perspectives from Tissue Regeneration and Molecular Medicine
6. In situ Fluorescence Imaging and Biotherapy of Tumor Based on Hybridization Chain Reaction
7. Application and Prospects of Framework Nucleic Acid-Based Nanomaterials in Tumor Therapy
8. Application of Framework Nucleic Acid-Based Nanomaterials in the Treatment of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases
9. The Antibacterial Applications of Framework Nucleic Acid-Based Nanomaterials: Current Progress and Further Perspectives
10. Framework Nucleic Acid Nanomaterials-based Therapy for Osteoarthritis: Progress and Prospects
ISBN 9783527352050
Artikelnummer 9783527352050
Medientyp Buch
Auflage 1. Auflage
Copyrightjahr 2024
Verlag Wiley-VCH
Umfang 224 Seiten
Abbildungen 1 Farbabb., 6 Tabellen
Sprache Englisch