Organization and Leadership in Disruptive Times

Design and Implementation Using the 3-P-Model

Organization and Leadership in Disruptive Times

Design and Implementation Using the 3-P-Model

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This book follows on the authors' successful development of the Three-Pillar Model (3-P Model) for organizing and leading in disruptive times. Its focus is on helping the reader to implement the model and providing a wide variety of application cases for these VUCA times (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity), including global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. The book covers a broad range of organizations: private and public sector, NGOs, local and global governmental institutions, global organizations such as UN, etc. In addition, it shows how the 3-P Model can be applied to challenges in organization design, management and leadership.

Part I: Introduction Chapters

From a Retrospective to a Perspective View
Contributions to the 3-P-Model Application: Overview and Connection of the Detailed Cases Presented in the Book
Part II: Fundamental Thoughts with Which to Start the 3-P-Model Journey
About Travelling in the Unknown in the Nineteenth Century and Today: A Pattern for Leadership and Management in a 3-P-Model Context
Nature Eats Culture for Lunch: About Consonances and Dissonances Shifting or Limiting Harmony
Wicked Problems of the Travelling Organizations
Part III: Leadership in the 3-P-Model: Setting Direction and Motivation
The Benefits of Improvisational Theatre
Leading Organizations Through Intrinsic Motivation
The AAUL Framework of Leadership in Times of Crisis
Part IV: 3-P-Model Application in the Public Sector
Applying the Three-Pillar Model in the UN Agencies
The Impact of Platform Economies on the Urban Structure
From the Inside and the Outside: A Learning Journey to Mainstream the Digital Transformation in a Federal Enterprise
Scientific Guidance on Journeys in Unknown Areas: A Best Practice Example
Cooperation and Development in a Social Organization
Part V: 3-P-Model Application in the Private Sector
Start-Up Development in Traditionally Operating Industries: Regional Subsidiaries of Pharmaceutical Companies
Applying the Principles of the 3-P-Model to Build an Agile High-Performance Team Within Finance
Application of the 3-P-Model in a Start-Up-Like Environment of a Large Enterprise
MedTech Companies on Their Growth Journey-Leadership Responses to Growth Challenges in the Light of the 3-P-Model
Building a Sustainable Brand in Specialty Chemicals (Carve Out from a Big Corporate)
Climate Change and Winemaking: A Significant Transformation in Agriculture
Trapped in the Bermuda Triangle Among Project, Process, and Line Organizations: Accelerating Complex Tech Development Projects
Part VI: Helpful Design Concepts to Best Use the 3-P-Model
Organizations Meandering in the Product Life Cycle
Transformation in the Field of Product Development: A Five-Day Micro-Project
Emergent Change: Embracing Complexity as a Key Challenge in a Travelling Organization
Building and Using a Compass for Travelling Organizations
If Not Now: Then When? Learning from the Pandemic for the Application of the Three-Pillar Model
Part VII: Resume
Conclusions and Takeaways
The Three-Pillar Questionnaire.

ISBN 978-3-030-63036-2
Artikelnummer 9783030630362
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2022
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XX, 406 Seiten
Abbildungen XX, 406 p. 119 illus.
Sprache Englisch