Orofacial Supportive Care in Cancer

A Contemporary Oral Oncology Perspective

Orofacial Supportive Care in Cancer

A Contemporary Oral Oncology Perspective

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This easy-to-use book equips clinicians and health care professionals with all the information that they will require in order to identify and manage orofacial complications of cancer therapy. Readers will find precise information on the presenting symptoms and signs associated with local or systemic complications associated with individual drugs or modes of therapy in cancer care. Guidance is provided whenever possible on the initial examinations to be performed in each circumstance and the investigations that can deliver a definitive diagnosis. The effective management of cancer complications are explained with the help of up to date clinical practice guidelines for the management of complications secondary to cancer therapy. In addition, an introductory section outlines contemporary principles of cancer management based on precision oral oncology principles. The text is supported by numerous highly informative clinical photographs, tables and a bibliography.

Management of Oral Cancer: Haematological Malignancies

Solid Tumours and Medical Oncology
Head and Neck Cancer
Cancer and Radiation Oncology Orofacial Complications in Cancer Therapy: Oral Mucositis
Oral Bacterial, Viral and Fungal Infections
Xerostomia and Other Salivary Gland Disorders
Soft Tissue and Hard Tissue Necrosis
Trismus and Temporomandibular Dysfunction
Cutaneous Manifestations
Fibrosis and Scarring
Dental and Oral Diseases
Drug-Specific Complications
Oral Assessment Tools
Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD). Consequences of Orofacial Complications in Cancer Therapy: Dysphagia
Altered Nutrition. Oral Oncology in Different Populations: Geriatric Cancer Population
Paediatric Cancer Population. Guidelines and Other Resources for Supportive Care Relevant to Oral Oncology: Role of Oral Oncologists in Supportive Care in Cancer
Guidelines for Orofacial Complications Management
Guidelines for Dental Management of the Cancer Patient
Interpretation of Investigations
Precision Oncology and Supportive Care in Cancer.

ISBN 978-3-030-86509-2
Artikelnummer 9783030865092
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2022
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XV, 286 Seiten
Abbildungen XV, 286 p. 30 illus., 25 illus. in color.
Sprache Englisch