Perspectives in Modern Chemical Spectroscopy

Perspectives in Modern Chemical Spectroscopy

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Dieses Lehrbuch gibt eine umfassende Übersicht über die Anwendung spektroskopischer Methoden in der Chemie. Die wichtigsten Techniken werden im Detail beschrieben; zusätzlich werden neuere spektroskopische Methoden in kürzeren Einführungen dargestellt.

1 Chemical Applications of Molecular Spectroscopy - A Developing Perspective
1 Introduction
2 A Historical Perspective
3 An Introduction to the Use of Fourier-Transform Methods in Chemical Spectroscopy
4 The Electromagnetic Spectrum (The Photon Spectroscopies)
5 Mass Spectrometry
6 Some More Specialised Spectroscopies
7 Sampling Considerations and Conclusions Across the Spectroscopies
8 References
2 Recent Advances in Vibrational Spectroscopy
1 Introduction
2 Data Handling and Library Search
3 Reflectance Methods
4 Quantitative Analysis
5 Fast Spectroscopy
6 Microsampling
7 Inorganic Applications
8 Future Developments
9 References
3 Infrared Sampling Methods
1 Introduction
2 Transmission Methods
3 Diffuse Reflectance
4 Attenuated Total Reflectance
5 Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
6 Conclusions
7 References
8 Bibliography
4 Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy: Theory and Practice
1 Introduction
2 Electronic Energy Levels and Transitions
3 Instrumentation in Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy
4 Applications of Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy
5 References
5 Luminescence Spectroscopy
1 Introduction
2 Fundamentals of Photophysics
3 Luminescence Instrumentation
4 Luminescence Measurement and Analytical Applications
5 References
6 An Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Fluids
1 Basic Principles
2 Spectral Acquisition
3 Transverse Relaxation
4 Spin Lattice Relaxation
5 Spin Labelling Methods
6 Two-Dimensional NMR
7 Summary
8 Bibliography
7 Multinuclear High-Resolution NMR in Solids
1 Introduction
2 Techniques Based on Carbon-13
3 Techniques Based on other Nuclei
4 References
8 Principles and Techniques of Laser Spectroscopy
1 General Principles of LaserOperation
2 Properties of Laser Light, and their Applications
3 Laser Sources of Spectroscopic Importance
4 Absorption Spectroscopy
5 Fluorescence Spectroscopy
6 Raman Spectroscopy
7 Free Jet Expansions and Laser Spectroscopy
8 Laser Ionisation Mass Spectrometry
9 References
9 Raman Spectroscopy
1 What Is Raman Spectroscopy?
2 How Does the Raman Effect Occur?
3 How Is a Raman Spectrum Measured?
4 What Can Be Learned from Raman Spectroscopy?
5 Other Raman Spectroscopies
6 The Future
7 References
8 Bibliography
10 Natural and Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopies
1 Introduction
2 Natural Circular Dichroism
3 Magnetic Circular Dichroism
4 References
11 Mass Spectrometry
1 History and Introduction
2 Ionisation Methods
3 Mass Analysis
4 Ion Detection
5 Data Systems
6 Combined Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
7 Tandem Mass Spectrometry
8 References
12 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Spectroscopy
1 Introduction
2 EPR Spectrometer
3 Spectral Parameters
4 Radicals in Polymers
5 Molecular Motion and Spin Labels
6 Spin Traps
7 Transition-Metal Ions in Proteins
8 Electron Nuclear Double Resonance
9 Pulsed EPR and Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation
10 References
11 Bibliography.
ISBN 978-3-540-52218-8
Artikelnummer 9783540522188
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 1990
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XII, 325 Seiten
Abbildungen XII, 325 p. 2 illus.
Sprache Englisch