Physiological Plant Ecology

Physiological Plant Ecology

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Ecology is the science of the relationships between living organisms and their envi ronment . . It is concerned with the web of interactions involved in the circulation of matter and the flow of energy that makes possible life on earth, and with the adapta tions of organisms to the conditions under which they survive. Given the multitude of diverse organisms, the plant ecologist focuses upon the plants, investigating the influence of environmental factors on the character of the vegetation and the be havior of the individual plant species. Plant ecophysiology, a discipline within plant ecology, is concerned fundamentally with the physiology of plants as it is modified by fluctuating external influences. The aim of this book is to convey the conceptual framework upon which this discipline is based, to offer insights into the basic mechanisms and interactions within the system "plant and environment", and to present examples of current problems in this rap idly developing area. Among the topics discussed are the vital processes of plants, their metabolism and energy transformations as they are affected by environmental factors, and the ability of these organisms to adapt to such factors. It is assumed that the reader has a background in the fundamentals of plant physiology; the physiological bases of the phenomena of interest will be mentioned only to the extent necessary for an understanding of the ecological relationships.

The Environment of Plants
The Hydrosphere
The Atmosphere
The Lithosphere and the Soil
The Biosphere
The Ecosystem: Interplay of Biological and Environmental Factors
The Sun's Radiation as a Source of Energy
Radiation within the Atmosphere
Uptake of Radiation by Plants
Distribution and Effects of Radiation in Bodies of Water
Carbon Utilization and Dry Matter Production
Carbon Metabolism in the Cell
CO2 Exchange in Plants
Carbon Budget and Dry-Matter Production in Plants
Productivity and Carbon Turnover in Plant Communities
The Utilization and Cycling of Nitrogen
The Nitrogen Metabolism of Higher Plants
The Nitrogen Metabolism of Microorganisms
Nitrogen Turnover in the Ecosystem
The Role of Plants and Microorganisms in the Global Cycling of Nitrogen
The Utilization and Cycling of Mineral Elements
The Soil as a Nutrient Source for Plants
The Role of Mineral Nutrients in Plant Metabolism
Mineral Balance in the Vegetation and the Cycling of Minerals in the Ecosystem
The Toxic Effect of Atmospheric Pollutants
Water Relations
Water Relations of the Plant Cell
Absorption, Transpiration and Water Balance in the Plant
Water Economy in Plant Communities
The Earth's Water Balance and Its Significance for Vegetation
Effects of Temperature
Plant Temperatures and Energy Balance
The Effects of Temperature upon the Vital Processes of Plants
Periodicity in Climate and Vegetation
Climatic Rhythms
Activity Rhythms
ISBN 978-3-642-96283-7
Artikelnummer 9783642962837
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2012
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XIV, 254 Seiten
Abbildungen XIV, 254 p. 67 illus.
Sprache Englisch