Pocket Atlas of Tongue Diagnosis

With Chinese Therapy Guidelines for Acupuncture, Herbal Prescriptions, and Nutrition

Pocket Atlas of Tongue Diagnosis

With Chinese Therapy Guidelines for Acupuncture, Herbal Prescriptions, and Nutrition

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Integrate Chinese tongue diagnosis into daily practice with this user-friendly Second Edition

In this fully up-to-date Second Edition, experts in Chinese medicine explain how traditional Chinese tongue diagnosis can be used in daily practice to complement conventional Western methods.

The guide begins with a brief introduction to the history, anatomy, physiology, and methodology of tongue diagnosis followed by basic techniques and systematic procedures for identifying the manifold individual characteristics of the tongue's shape and its many modifications. Full-color photographs of tongues then demonstrate a variety of clinical scenarios to help readers develop a holistic approach to diagnosis.


- An in-depth review of the tongue's most important anatomic and physiologic features, including the lingual papillae, the tongue muscles, arterial supply, and much more- More than 180 full-color illustrations and high-quality clinical photographs of Western tongues enhance the text- Treatment suggestions for using acupuncture, herbs, and nutrition accompany each clinical image- Medical assessment of 28 case histories with real-life photographs from the authors' practice

The Second Edition of Pocket Atlas of Tongue Diagnosis is an essential resource for every practitioner or student of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, or complementary medicine.

1 Introduction and Preliminary Remarks
2 History and Scientific Foundations of Tongue Diagnosis
Methodology of Tongue Diagnosis
3 The Technique of Tongue Diagnosis
4 Systematic Procedure of Tongue Diagnosis
Clinical Part
5 Clinical Applications
6 Typical Topographic Changes of the Tongue in Relationship to Syndrome Differentiation (Bian Zheng)
7 Assessment of the Course of a Disease by Application of Tongue Diagnosis
8 Tongue Differentiation in Headache Patients
Selected Biographical References
Figure Sources
Food Groups Accordign to the Five Elements
The Groups of Chinese Materia Medica
List of Chinese Materia Medica
Alphabetical List of the Chinese Materia Medica

ISBN 9783131398321
Artikelnummer 9783131398321
Medientyp Buch
Auflage 2nd ed.
Copyrightjahr 2011
Verlag Thieme, Stuttgart
Umfang 312 Seiten
Abbildungen 202 Abb.
Sprache Englisch