Practical Gas Chromatography

A Comprehensive Reference

Practical Gas Chromatography

A Comprehensive Reference

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Gas chromatography continues to be one of the most widely used analytical techniques, since its applications today expand into fields such as biomarker research or metabolomics. This new practical textbook enables the reader to make full use of gas chromatography. Essential fundamentals and their implications for the practical work at the instrument are provided, as well as details on the instrumentation such as inlet systems, columns and detectors. Specialized techniques from all aspects of GC are introduced ranging from sample preparation, solvent-free injection techniques, and pyrolysis GC, to separation including fast GC and comprehensive GCxGC and finally detection, such as GC-MS and element-specific detection. Various fields of application such as enantiomer, food, flavor and fragrance analysis, physicochemical measurements, forensic toxicology, and clinical analysis are discussed as well as cutting-edge application in metabolomics is covered.

Theory of GC
The Mobile Phase (Carrier Gas)
Columns and Stationary Phases
Inlet Systems and Sample Introduction
Programming of Temperature and Pressure
Qualitative Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
Hyphenated  Techniques
Selection of Column and Operating Parameters/Conditions
Solvent Free Injection Techniques
Shortening of Analysis Time (Fast GC)
Column Coupling, Column Switching and Comprehensive Two-Dimensional GC
Method Validation
Applications: Separation of Enantiomers
Sample Preparation Techniques for GC
Analysis of Gases and Low Boiling Samples
GC in Petrochemical Analysis and Process Control
Environmental Applications
Clinical and Pharmaceutical Applications
Analysis of Flavours and Fragrances
GC in Food Analysis
GC in Forensic Toxicoloy
GC in Biomarker and Metabolomic Research
Physicochemical Measurements
Pyrolysis GC.
ISBN 978-3-642-54639-6
Artikelnummer 9783642546396
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2014
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XV, 902 Seiten
Abbildungen XV, 902 p. 456 illus., 249 illus. in color.
Sprache Englisch