Practice of Acupuncture

Point Location - Treatment Options - TCM Basics

Practice of Acupuncture

Point Location - Treatment Options - TCM Basics

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Combining the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with Western medical acupuncture, this eagerly awaited book and CD-ROM brings the entire field of acupuncture to a new professional standard. The authors, leading experts from diverse disciplines, systematically guide you through the channels, point locations and trigger points in the body, from head to toe. Each acupuncture point is shown in vivo and then explained in detail, using illustrations that show its exact anatomical location and characteristics.

In addition, you will benefit from state-of-the-art information never published before, including: a universal point localization system based on anatomic principles; a comprehensive discussion of potential contraindications and side effects of acupuncture; and a focus on outcome-based models and scientific studies throughout.

Ideal for those who practice Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as anyone studying for certification, this book covers all acupuncture point locations, as well as the fundamental concepts and methods of this ancient art. It is indispensable for practitioners who need the most complete, scientifically based, and reliable information available anywhere.

Hecker et al.
ISBN 9783132580978
Artikelnummer 9783132580978
Medientyp E-Book - ePUB
Copyrightjahr 2004
Verlag Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Sprache Englisch
Kopierschutz Digitales Wasserzeichen