Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe

NATURA 2000 Sites in German Offshore Waters

Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe

NATURA 2000 Sites in German Offshore Waters

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This volume offers insight in the identification and selection procedure of marine protected areas in the German exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of the North - and Baltic Seas. EU Member States are obliged to establish a coherent network of protected areas, consisting of sites identified under the EC Habitats and Birds Directives. The goal of this Natura 2000 network is the conservation of biodiversity on land and in the sea. To fill important gaps in knowledge regarding the presence, abundance, and distribution of certain species and habitats in the German North- and Baltic Seas, the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) initiated a detailed research programme, involving researchers from many renowned German marine research institutes. This book contains the main results of the different projects under this research programme, which formed the basis for the identification and selection of the Natura 2000 sites. Information is given on two NATURA 2000 habitats (sandbanks and reefs), and benthic species, fish, birds and marine mammals, as well as on legal aspects and implementation procedures. Last but not least the book introduces the current status of NATURA 2000 in the German EEZ. Target audience are not only scientists, but also policymakers, environmental organisations and other stakeholders, and the book includes many illustrations.


MPAs in the German EEZ - conventions and legal aspects
International conventions for marine nature conservation and marine protected areas relevant to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea
Marine Protected Areas in the EEZ in light of international and European Community law - Legal basis and aspects of implementation
Site selection procedure
Interpretation, identification and ecological assessment of the NATURA 2000 habitats "sandbank" and "reef"
Rationale behind site selection for the NATURA 2000 network in the German EEZ
Identification and assessments of habitats
Identification of submarine banks in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea with the aid of TIN modelling
Identification of submarine hard-bottom substrates in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea EEZ with high-resolution acoustic seafloor imaging
Search for particularly valuable benthic areas within the German North Sea EEZ
Benthic assessment of marine areas of particular ecological importance within the German Baltic Sea EEZ
Identification and assessments of sites - fish, mammals and birds
Survey of NATURA 2000 fish species in the German North and Baltic Seas
Utilisation of time and space by harbour seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) determined by new remote-sensing methods
Evaluating the distribution and density of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in selected areas in German waters
Seasonal and geographical variation of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) habitat use in the German Baltic Sea monitored by passive acoustic methods (PODs)
Identification of areas of seabird concentrations in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea using aerial and ship-based surveys
The MINOS project: ecological assessments of possible impacts of offshore wind energy projects
Publicawareness and consultation
Consultation and public involvement
Raising public awareness - "".
ISBN 978-3-540-33290-9
Artikelnummer 9783540332909
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2006
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XVIII, 263 Seiten
Abbildungen XVIII, 263 p.
Sprache Englisch