Rare Earths-Transition Metals-Boron Compounds

Basic Properties to Technical Applications

Rare Earths-Transition Metals-Boron Compounds

Basic Properties to Technical Applications

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This book presents advances in the field of rare-earth (R) - transition metal (M) - boron compounds with extensive references. Since titanium and scandium do not form compounds with rare-earths, the Sc/Ti-M-B series are additionally presented. In each chapter the crystal structures, the complex physical properties as determined from neutron diffraction, magnetic measurements, resonance studies, transport properties and band structure calculations are critical analyzed. The models used in describing the experimental evidence are also presented. Tables with the main properties of the R-M-B compounds are given and representative data are illustrated in figures. In this way, the book provides state-of-the art knowledge and a valuable analysis of up-to-date results in the field. The technical applications, as permanent magnets, thermoelectric and magnetocaloric devices, hydrogen storage are also highlighted along with the authors insights into future directions in the field. The book is of interest for scientists involved in the development of the field as well as those working in the technical uses of rare-earth compounds.

Emil Burzo obtained his diploma as engineer at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, in physics at Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca and PhD Thesis at University Timisoara (1970). After working a period as engineer at Carbochim factory, started the scientific activity at Babes-Bolyai University followed by Institute of Atomic Physics (Bucharest). Then returned at Babes-Bolyai University (1990) as professor and dean of Faculty of Physics. Worked as associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University and University of Grenoble -Laboratories Louis Néel. Presented lectures at more than 30 universities from Europe, USA, China or Israel, as well as invited lectures at International Conferences. The scientific activity was directed on metallic alloys and compounds, perovskites, oxide glasses and materials etc., mainly in connection with their magnetic properties. The scientific results were published in more than 500 papers in international journals and 24 books in Springer, North Holland, Institute of Physics (GB) or Romanian Academy Publishing House. For their scientific results received awards and distinctions both of national and international level.
ISBN 9783030992453
Artikelnummer 9783030992453
Medientyp E-Book - PDF
Copyrightjahr 2023
Verlag Springer-Verlag
Umfang 539 Seiten
Sprache Englisch
Kopierschutz Digitales Wasserzeichen