Sex Hormones and Immunity to Infection

Sex Hormones and Immunity to Infection

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Why sex matters

Among human and nonhuman animals, the prevalence and intensity of infection typically is higher in males than females and may reflect differences in exposure as well as susceptibility to pathogens. Elevated immunity among females is a double-edged sword in which it is beneficial against infectious diseases but is detrimental in terms of increased development of autoimmune diseases.

The present book critically reviews the evolutionary origin and the functional mechanisms responsible for sexual dimorphism in response to infection. It emphasizes the value of examining responses in both males and females to improve our understanding about host-pathogen interactions in both sexes.

The contributors are experts in their specific disciplines which range from microbiology and immunology to genetics, pathology, and evolutionary biology.

The book aims at bringing insight to the treatment and management of infectious diseases; it delineates areas where knowledge is lacking and highlights future avenues of research.

Sex Differences in Susceptibility to Infection: An Evolutionary Perspective
Effects of Sex Steroids on Innate and Adaptive Immunity
Sex Steroid Receptors in Immune Cells
Sex Differences in Susceptibility to Viral Infection
Sex Differences in Innate Immune Responses to Bacterial Pathogens
Sex Hormones and Regulation of Host Responses Against Parasites
Sex Differences in Parasitic Infections: Beyond the Dogma of Female-Biased Resistance
Progesterone, Pregnancy, and Innate Immunity
Pregnancy and Susceptibility to Parasites
Sex Steroids and Risk of Female Genital Tract Infection
Sex, Pregnancy and Measles
Epilogue: Challenges for the Future.
ISBN 978-3-642-02154-1
Artikelnummer 9783642021541
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2010
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang X, 319 Seiten
Abbildungen X, 319 p.
Sprache Englisch