Square-Wave Voltammetry

Theory and Application

Square-Wave Voltammetry

Theory and Application

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Square-wave voltammetry is a technique readily available to every researcher, scientist, engineer and practitioner applying modern electrochemical measurement systems. It is of beneficial use in analytical applications and in fundamental studies of electrode mechanisms. But the optimised exploitation of this technique is only possible for those with a detailed knowledge of signal generation and of the thermodynamics and kinetics involved. This volume, written by three distinguished experts, systematically delivers the complete and in-depth information that enables both researchers and users of square-wave voltammetry to apply this technique effectively. Square-Wave Voltammetry also offers an appendix on mathematical modeling and a chapter on the most important electrode mechanisms which briefly reviews the underlying theory and numerical formulae intrinsic for simulating experiments with popular software tools , e.g. Mathcad (R).

Electrode Mechanisms
Square-Wave Voltammetry at Liquid-Liquid Interface.
ISBN 978-3-540-73739-1
Artikelnummer 9783540737391
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2007
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang VIII, 201 Seiten
Abbildungen VIII, 201 p. 130 illus.
Sprache Englisch