Stem Cells

Latest Advances

Stem Cells

Latest Advances

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In this volume, the contributing authors from top labs involved in stem cell theranostics share the latest advances in the field of stem cell research. The book covers many aspects of stem cell-based therapy and the progress made toward stem cell therapy for liver, ocular, and cardiovascular diseases as well as cancer. This volume serves as a continuation of Prof. Khawaja Husnain Haider's previously edited books pertaining to stem cells-based therapnostics.

This is an ideal book for researchers involved in drug development as well as regenerative medicine and stem cell-based therapy. The secondary audience includes graduate and postgraduate medical students, doctors, cellular pharmacology, drug industry, and researchers involved in using stem cells as ex-vivo disease models for drug development.

Micro-Electrode-Arrays: A valuable tool to analyze stem cell derived cardiomyocytes

Mesenchymal-Hematopoietic Stem Cell Axis: Applications for Induction of Hematopoietic Chimerism and Therapies for Malignancies
Mesenchymal stem cell-derived secretome: a new remedy for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases
Cardiac regenerative therapy in diabetes: challenges and potential therapeutics
Macrophage Response to Biomaterials in Cardiovascular Applications
Evolution of stem cells in cardio-regenerative therapy
Stem cell-based cardiac regeneration: is there a place for optimism in the future?
Dental mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells: A new prospect in regenerative medicine
Stem cell-based tissue engineering for functional enamel and dentin/pulp complex: a potential alternative to the restorative therapies
Cell and stem cell-based therapies for liver defects: Recent advances and future strategies
Stem cells: a renewable source of pancreatic beta-cells and future for diabetes treatment
Induced pluripotent stem cells in pediatric research and clinical translation
Maturity of Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes and Future Perspectives for Regenerative Medicine
Availability of pluripotent stem cells from normal cells in cancer science

ISBN 978-3-030-77054-9
Artikelnummer 9783030770549
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2022
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang X, 255 Seiten
Abbildungen X, 255 p. 38 illus., 32 illus. in color.
Sprache Englisch