Stress and Poverty

A Cross-Disciplinary Investigation of Stress in Cells, Individuals, and Society

Stress and Poverty

A Cross-Disciplinary Investigation of Stress in Cells, Individuals, and Society

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The word stress is everywhere and highly overused. Everyone is stressed, it seems, all the time. Looking into the meaning of stress in the natural science and the humanities, this book explores cellular stress as cause of and in correlation with what humans experience as stress. When do we psychologically feel stress and when do we show physiological evidence of stress in our brain? 

Stress is a deviation from what feels normal and healthy. It can be created by social or economic factors and become chronic, which has substantial impacts on the individual and society as a whole. Focusing on poverty as one chronic inducer of stress, this book explores how the lack of pressure-free time, the hardships and unpredictability of everyday life and a general lack of protection lead to destructive toxic stress. This pressure affects cognitive and social functioning, brain development during childhood and may also result in premature aging. How can the sciences informour understanding of and our response to stress? What can be done about toxic stress both on a personal level and in terms of structures and policies?

The book is written for anyone interested in stress, its causes and consequences, and its relationship to poverty. 

Stress and Poverty: An Introduction
Hans Selye and the Origins of Stress Research
Oxidative and Other Stress Research at the Cellular Level
Oxidative Stress and the Brain: A Working Hypothesis for the Generation of Psychological Stress
Epigenetics and Some Further Observations on Stress-induced Diseases
Measuring Stress
The Language Games of Stress
The Unhealthy Relationship Between Stress and Poverty
The Stressful Experience of Poverty
Social and Moral Aspects of Stress
The Politics of Stress
Responding to Stress and the Value of Resilience
Epilogue - The Pandemic as a Big Reveal: Coronavirus, Stress, and Poverty
ISBN 978-3-030-77737-1
Artikelnummer 9783030777371
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2021
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XX, 234 Seiten
Abbildungen XX, 234 p. 11 illus., 3 illus. in color.
Sprache Englisch