TMJ Disorders and Orofacial Pain

The Role of Dentistry in a Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Approach

TMJ Disorders and Orofacial Pain

The Role of Dentistry in a Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Approach

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The treatment of temporomandibular disorders requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving the participation of dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, radiologists, and others. This lavishly illustrated text/atlas provides a wealth of valuable information for specialists who need to enhance their understanding of TMJ disorders. TMJ Disorders and Orofacial Pain is the invaluable diagnostic guide all dentists and related specialists need to provide optimize the care and treatment of patients in this condition. It ties together the anatomic, physiologic, and psychological aspects of TMJ to help you confidently reach an accurate diagnosis. MRI has proven to be the most reliable imaging modality for the diagnosis of TMJ disorders. A key benefit of this text is teaching dentists how to interpret MRIs, and also to provide the required knowledge for informed communication with radiologists. Throughout the text, you'll find exquisitely detailed, full-color photographs which take you step-by-step through the clinical examination of the jaw. The book teaches you how to analyze information as it comes in to select the proper course of treatment based on the patient's history and clinical data. Written in a clear and easy-to-follow format, the text presents state-of-the-art approaches to managing TMJ disorders. With this book, dentists and related specialists will gain the essential skills and knowledge needed to ensure their patients receive the best possible care!

Axel Bumann, Ulrich Lotzmann
ISBN 9783132578098
Artikelnummer 9783132578098
Medientyp E-Book - ePUB
Copyrightjahr 2002
Verlag Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Sprache Englisch
Kopierschutz Digitales Wasserzeichen