The Mystery in the Rye

Ergot and LSD - A Cultural-Historical Quest

The Mystery in the Rye

Ergot and LSD - A Cultural-Historical Quest

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There are countless reports on microorganisms and their special abilities. The saga of the ergot fungus is perhaps the most unusual of them all. The unique history of this plant pathogenic microbe, which began with its infection of grasses, is told through a broad storyline that stretches from the early medical writings of Mesopotamia, Greece, and China, to the industrial and academic laboratories of pharmaceutical research in the 21st century....

Among cultivated grasses, the ergot fungus mainly infests rye. Its overwintering structure, the black-purple ergot kernel, grows out of the ears of the grain. The highly active substances it contains caused mass poisonings in Europe over a period of 1,000 years, in the course of which the victims suffered from terrible symptoms of illness. Only in the 17th century, doctors recognized ergot as the corpus delicti for the regularly recurring waves of mass poisoning. The development of drugs from pure ergot compounds is one of the fascinating contributions of pharmaceutical natural product and medicinal chemistry and was of great importance for the modernization of medicine. A straight line can be drawn from this research to the synthesis of LSD, whose accidentally observed psychotropic effect revealed the chemical basis of the psyche. In combination with other centrally active substances, the LSD studies opened the therapeutic research field of psychopharmacology.

The ergot fungus stands for legendary advances in pharmaceutical science and human therapy. At the same time, the people who investigated this unique microorganism scientifically, for a wide variety of reasons, became part of its cultural history. Throughout the centuries, they have kept the wheels turning - an innovative power which is still effective today.

A momentous ménage à trois of fungus, grass, and insect develops

The horror begins!
Unraveling the mystery of gangrenous and convulsive ergotism: a beacon for the Order of St. Anthony, a dilemma of the ergot remedy in medicine
A lawyer clarifies the nature of ergot, but it remains a tough nut for pharmacists to crack
Successful failures and accidental breakthroughs are changing the field of medicine
Darn, the equation doesn t add up!
Albert Hofmann s path to psychotogenic LSD
A pas de deux of molecules, or the discovery of the chemistry of the psyche
Urgently wanted: new paths to a stable ergot alkaloid production
Last secrets of ergot and its ingredients are revealed
Notes and further reading.

ISBN 978-3-662-69814-3
Artikelnummer 9783662698143
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2025
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XIX, 229 Seiten
Abbildungen XIX, 229 p. 65 illus.
Sprache Englisch