The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity at Work

The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity at Work

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This Handbook provides authoritative up-to-date scholarship and debate concerning creativity at work, and offers a timely opportunity to re-evaluate our understanding of creativity, work, and the pivotal relationship between them. Far from being a new arrival on the scene, the context of work has always been a place shaped and sharpened by creativity, as well as a site that determines, where, when, how, and for whom creativity emerges. Structured in four parts - Working with Creativity (the present); Putting Creativity to Work (in an organizational context); Working in the Creative Industries (creative labour); and Making Creativity Work (the future) - the Handbook is an inspirational learning resource, helping us to work with creativity in innovative ways. Providing a cutting edge, interdisciplinary, diverse, and critical collection of academic and practitioner insights, this Handbook ultimately conveys a message of hope: if we take better care of creativity, our creativity will better care for us.

Part I. Working with Creativity
1. Creativity at Work: Themes, Issues and Challenges; Lee Martin
Measuring Creativity at Work; Xavier Caroff, Justine Massu, Todd Lubart
3. Creativity in the Context of Multiple Goals; Kerrie Unsworth
4. An Exploration of the Tension between Tradition and Innovation; Simon Poole
5. Mysteries of Creative Process: Explorations at Work and in Daily Life; Terri Goslin-Jones, Ruth Richards
6. "Yeah, that's what I am now": Affordances, Action and Creative Identity; Mary Kay Culpepper
7. "Dropping out and working": The vocational Narratives of Creative Graduates; Scott Brook, Roberta Comunian
Part II. Putting Creativity to Work
8. Creativity and the Web of Life; Jonathan Milne
9. Creativity and the Visual Arts; Peter Adsett, Mary Alice Lee
10. Social-Creativity-in-Practice: The theory is the Practice; Alice Wilson Milne
11. Exploring Creative Research Methodologies in the Humanities; Toby Young.-12. Sharing or Integration: Rethinking the Localization of Co-working Spaces in Shanghai; Weiyi Wu
13. Enhancing Creativity through Workspace Design; Louise Suckley, John Nicholson
14. The Darkness In Janusian Thinking: Considering the Relationship between Creativity in the Workplace and Employee Well-being; Michael Mustafa, Hazel Melanie Ramos
15. Creativity: Transformation of Adversity; Alia Weston and J. Miguel Imas
Part III. Working in the Creative Economy
16. "Hopeful Work" and the Creative Economy; David Wright
17. Creativity as Development: Discourse, Ideology and Practice; Jonathan Vickery
18. Women Entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia: Creative Responses to Gendered Opportunities; Deema Sonbol
19. The Meta-Poetics of Creative Labour in the University; Penny Newell
20. Creativity and the Law; Tanya Aplin
21. Entrepreneurship and Creativity Education in China: Reflections from an Experience-based Approach to an Introductory Module in Entrepreneurship; Tori Y. Huang, Felix Arndt
22. "Essential-Passion for Music": Affirming, Critiquing and Practicing Passionate Work in Creative Industries; Toby Bennett
23. Entrepreneurship in Music and the Goldilocks Principle: "Highway to Hell" or "Together Forever"?; Nick Wilson
Part IV: Making Creativity Work
24. Valuable Creativity: Rediscovering Purpose; Chris Bilton
25. Creativity Off the Clock: Re-conceptualizing Creative Careers; Jonathan Gross
26. Embedding an Everyday Culture of Creativity: Making Creativity Work in a University Context; Laura Speers, Nick Wilson
27. Social Media and the Future of Creativity at Work; Chris James Carter
28. Creativity at Work and Sustainable Product Development: Practitioner Perspectives from the Clothing Industry; Helen Goworek, Lynn Oxborrow, Angharad McLaren, Stella Claxton, Tim Cooper, Helen Hill
29. Disruption on the Dancefloor: Understanding Creativity as Openness and Emergence; Brigid McClure
30. Making Creativity Work: Marking Out New Territories; Birgit Wildt
31. Creativity at Work - Who Cares? Towards an Ethics of Creativity as a Structured Practice of Care; Nick Wilson.
ISBN 978-3-030-08434-9
Artikelnummer 9783030084349
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2018
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XXV, 658 Seiten
Abbildungen XXV, 658 p. 28 illus.
Sprache Englisch