Trichoderma: Agricultural Applications and Beyond

Trichoderma: Agricultural Applications and Beyond

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This book gives a comprehensive overview on the various aspects of Trichoderma, a filamentous fungus ubiquitously present in soil. Topics addressed are the biology, diversity, taxonomy, ecology, biotechnology and cultivation of Trichoderma, to just name a few. Basic as well as applied aspects are covered and a special focus is given on use of Trichoderma in agriculture and beyond. Trichoderma species are widely distributed throughout the world in soil, rotting plant material, and wood. Although they are often considered as a contaminants, Trichoderma species are also known for their ability to act as biocontrol agents against various plant pathogens and plant diseases, and also as biostimulants promoting plant growth.

The contents of this book will be of particular interest to, agricultural scientists, biotechnologists, plant pathologists, mycologists, and microbiologists, students, extension workers, policy makers and other stakeholders. 

Advances in Systematics, Taxonomy and Conservation of Trichoderma species

Biodiversity of Trichoderma species in different agro-ecological habitats
Beneficial Effects of Trichoderma on Plant-Pathogen Interactions: Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Genes
Trichoderma - Boon for Agriculture
Mass Multiplication of Trichoderma in Bioreactors
Trichoderma species: A blessing for crop production
Trichoderma: An effective and potential biocontrol agent for sustainable management of pulses pests and pathogens
Management of Diseases of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Using Trichoderma spp.
Trichoderma - A Globally Dominant Commercial Bio-fungicide
Modulation of Microbiome Through Seed Bio-priming
Opportunistic Avirulent Plant Symbionts Trichoderma: Exploring its Potential Against Soilborne PhytopathogensBiotechnological  Application  of  Trichoderma:  A  Powerful  Fungal  Isolate  with  Diverse Potentials  for  the  Attainment  of  Food  Safety, Management  of  Pest  and  Diseases,  Healthy Planet, and Sustainable Agriculture
Trichoderma as Biostimulant: Factors Responsible for Plant Growth Promotion
Trichoderma Proteome: Multifunctional Role in Plant Defense
Strategies of Biotechnological Innovations using Trichoderma
spp.: Expanding Potential Beyond Agriculture.

ISBN 978-3-030-54760-8
Artikelnummer 9783030547608
Medientyp Buch
Copyrightjahr 2022
Verlag Springer, Berlin
Umfang XVI, 367 Seiten
Abbildungen XVI, 367 p. 36 illus., 31 illus. in color.
Sprache Englisch